Collecting seeds from the historic River Red Gum, Bulleen

We’re continuing the legacy of the iconic River Red Gum that stands on the corner of Bridge Street and Manningham Road in Bulleen.

The tree has great significance to the local community and the design for North East Link was updated in 2021 to avoid it.

As well as preserving the tree, we’re growing its next generation.

Seeds from the tree collected in 2019 have been used to grow and plant 50 new River Red Gums in Yarra River parklands nearby.

Some of the trees are within eyeline of the original Bridge Street tree – which is estimated to be at least 300 years old.

The trees were grown at a local Eltham nursery and planted in 2023 at Banksia Park, Yarra Flats Park and Westerfolds Park.

A management plan is in place to support the tree on Bridge Street through construction.