1 February 2023

Getting ready for construction

The Victorian Government is removing 27 dangerous level crossings and building 17 new stations, making the Frankston Line level crossing free by 2030 and improving safety, reducing congestion and allowing more trains to run more often.

Locally, we are removing the Warrigal Road and Parkers Road level crossings by raising the rail line over the 2 roads and building a new Parkdale Station.

As part of the project, we’re creating new open space, including new trees and greenery, community gathering

places, and sporting and recreational facilities for the community to enjoy.

Early works for the project have begun and will continue until around mid 2023. This will include setting up our site facilities, relocating utilities, and removing trees and vegetation that will be impacted by major works.

Why these level crossings need to go

  • About 20,000 vehicles travel through these crossings each day
  • Boom gates are down for up to 44 minutes of the morning peak
  • 34 trains run during the morning peak

Temporary track to keep trains running

To keep trains running and minimise disruption to the local community, we'll be building a temporary track along Como Parade East from mid-late 2023.

Trains will run on the temporary track for around 10 to 12 months from October 2023 (more information inside).

Trees and vegetation

As we move into construction, we need to prepare the site by removing trees and vegetation that will be impacted by the works.

We understand that trees and greenery are important to the community, so we’re retaining trees where possible in the project area, including relocating and returning 5 palm trees as part of the landscaping design.

Trees and shrubs that can be safely retained will be protected during construction.

Upon completion of the project, we’ll plant new trees and greenery along the rail corridor and in the new open space.

For more information about tree and vegetation removal, see our fact sheet and works alerts.

For every tree we remove, we will plant a new tree.

We’ll plant more than 100,000 trees, shrubs and grasses in the new open space and as part of landscaping along the rail corridor upon project completion.

Supporting local traders

We're committed to supporting local traders and businesses throughout construction of the project, and will work to minimise disruption to the Parkdale shopping precinct as much as possible.

If you're a local trader and would like to talk to us about how we can support you during this time, please contact us directly on 1800 105 105 or email contact@levelcrossings.vic.gov.au

Phases of construction

A project of this size and scale involves months of planning to minimise disruption and make the most efficient use of the large machinery and hundreds of workers that we’ll bring to the local area.

Site set up and early works

Early-mid 2023

We’ll start setting up our site facilities for construction workers, relocating utility services and preparing the site for major construction later this year.

Early works include:

  • setting up a temporary site office on Como Parade West
  • fencing off works areas to keep our workforce and the community safe
  • removing trees and vegetation that will be impacted by the project
  • relocating utility services and undertaking drainage work
  • starting work on the combined services route, which powers trains and rail infrastructure.

Building a temporary track

Mid to late 2023

From mid 2023, you'll start to see more construction activity in and around the rail corridor when we begin building the temporary track.

Activities during this period will also include:

  • ongoing service relocations and works
  • removing the main Parkdale Station building for restoration which will later be returned to the station precinct
  • beginning to demolish other existing buildings and structures that will be replaced with new infrastructure.

There will be times during this phase when there will be temporary changes made to local roads and paths due to works. There will also be some short periods where buses will replace trains while we do critical works in the rail corridor.

Building the rail bridge and the new Parkdale Station


In 2024 we'll begin to build the new rail bridge and new Parkdale Station.

Before we build the rail bridge, we'll establish solid foundations by installing vertical concrete columns in the ground to form the supports for the rail bridge. We will then form the piers that will support the cross beams that hold up the new rail bridge.

We will be building some of the rail bridge and new station offsite and then putting it in place once ready. Later in the year, we'll need to shut the rail line for a few weeks to ensure the job is done safely and as quickly as possible.

Finishing works and landscaping


In 2025, we’ll be creating new community spaces under the rail bridge, including installing the sporting and recreational facilities, and planting more than 100,000 trees, shrubs and grasses in the new open space and along the rail corridor.

We’ll also add the finishing touches to the project including:

  • completing the new station building
  • creating spaces such as the village green
  • laying the walking and cycling path
  • installing artwork and design elements that reflect the character of Parkdale.

Building a temporary track to keep trains running

We've carefully planned our work to minimise disruption to the community and all users of the Frankston Line and ensure that trains run most of the time.

To keep trains running throughout most of our works, we will build a temporary track next to Como Parade East from mid-2023.

Construction of the temporary track will begin north of Warrigal Road, at Rogers Street, Mentone and finish south of Parkers Road, around Peter Avenue, Parkdale, tying into the existing track at both ends.

The temporary track will enable us to build the rail bridge and new station with minimal disruptions to rail passengers, local traders and the community.

Frankston Line trains run will run on the temporary track for around 10-12 months, from October 2023, throughout the project’s major construction period.

We will keep local residents informed about the building and operation of the new track until it is dismantled in the second half of 2024.

Parkdale Station closure

When the temporary track is up and running, Parkdale Station will close from October 2023 until August 2024, when we open the new station.

For Parkdale passengers, a shuttle bus service will run between Mentone, Parkdale and Mordialloc stations during this time.

What to expect during construction

As with any major construction project, there will be some noise, dust and vibration at different times throughout the project and this can vary depending on the nature of the works.

We will aim to minimise noise and disruption where possible, in line with Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) guidelines.

Dust mitigation measures, such as dust suppression carts and street sweepers, will be in place and air quality will be monitored throughout the duration of works.

There will also be times when there will be changes to traffic and pedestrian access routes. In these instances, we will have traffic management in place to assist people to move throughout the area safely.

What’s next?

Early works

Site establishment

A temporary site office will be established at 152 Como Parade West at the former Calvary Health Care Bethlehem site. The site office will provide office space and essential amenities for the project team. This site will also include car parking for our workers to keep as many vehicles as possible off local streets.

The site will primarily be used during normal daytime construction hours.

When project works are required on weekends or at night, residents will be advised in advance.

Services relocations

From early this year, we will be relocating existing utility services in the area, including water and drainage pipes, and power lines. We will also begin works for the combined services route, which houses the wiring that powers and controls signals, internal rail network telecommunications and power supplies to trains and other parts of the rail network.

Tree and vegetation removal

Tree and vegetation removal will occur from February along the rail corridor on both Como Parade East and West.

This tree and vegetation removal will allow for drainage works and combined services route trenching and boring. There will also be works to relocate power lines and underground telecom lines on Como Parade East.

For specific information about early works, keep an eye out for our regular works alerts in your letterbox, visit our project page, call 1800 105 105 or email contact@levelcrossings.vic.gov.au

Project timeline

Early 2023

  • Site set up and early works
  • Final designs released
  • Liaison group meetings commence

Mid-Late 2023

  • Major construction begins


  • Level crossings removed
  • New Parkdale Station open


  • Finishing works and landscaping
  • Project completion

Timeline subject to change.

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