1 July 2024

Work is now under way to install new signalling equipment and a refuelling facility at Ouyen as part of the Murray Basin Rail Project. This work will enable more freight trains to run on the Yelta and Murrayville lines.

Thank you for your patience while this important work is underway.

What we are doing

Works at Ouyen will include:

  • Installing new signalling equipment, including signals, underground signal cables, and axle counters to detect trains, and vegetation removal to allow for these works
  • installing remote operated point machines at both ends of the Yard
  • removing redundant signals and equipment
  • installing boom barriers at the Mallee Highway level crossing
  • installing a paved area for the refuelling facility
  • installing security fencing and spill kits.

These works will take place between 7am and 6pm, including Saturdays and Sundays. If we are planning to work outside of these hours, we will issue an updated Works Notice. We work a 10 days on, 4 days off roster, with works generally occurring on alternate weekends.

What to be aware of

You may notice an increase in truck movements in the area while we transport materials and equipment to and from site.

There may also be some additional noise and dust in the area during construction.

How we're minimising impacts


We use a range of measures to minimise dust from construction activities, including staging works to minimise exposed areas and using water carts to wet down work areas.


We monitor noise levels to ensure they are within the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) noise control guidelines.

  • You may notice an increase in truck movements in the area while we transport materials and equipment to and from site.
  • There may also be some additional noise and dust in the area during construction.