Getting on with works in Parkdale

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We’re getting on with removing the Warrigal Road and Parkers Road level crossings, with trains back up and running between Moorabbin and Frankston after a week of 24/7 works in Parkdale.

During the works, crews relocated a watermain underneath Warrigal Road and did further drainage works and service relocation in the area. An electrical tower was also removed and piling works started ahead of major works kicking off later this year.

Throughout July, we’ll continue construction of the temporary track to keep the Frankston Line running while we remove the level crossings and build a new Parkdale Station. July works will include service relocations for utilities such as electricity and water, drainage installation, and preparing the foundation to lay the temporary track.

Further up the line, works continue at Glen Huntly where crews are working 24/7 to remove two dangerous and congested level crossings and get the Frankston Line back up and running with trains stopping at the new Glen Huntly Station by early August.

Level Crossing Removal Warrigal Road, MentoneParkers Road, Parkdale