Trains will resume running on the Lilydale Line on Friday 5 July after the removal of the Dublin Road, Ringwood East and Coolstore Road, Croydon level crossings.
Crews have been working around the clock since Friday 24 May in a final push to remove the 2 sets of boom gates and to build the 2 new stations. The new Ringwood East Station will open to passengers on Friday 5 July, with the new premium Croydon Station set to open in late July.
In Ringwood East, crews are continuing to lay tracks in the new 650m rail trench and build the new Ringwood East Station, which will feature 2 entrances accessible by lifts and stairs, CCTV and improved lighting, and more than 460 car parking spaces.
Crews will remain in the area after the construction blitz to finish works in the station precinct, including landscaping and car parking.
Work is also continuing to finish building Croydon’s new rail bridge and premium station, and to complete the new Kent Avenue to Lacey Street connection. This connection will also open on Friday 5 July, connecting Croydon’s town centre and providing motorists and pedestrians with a safer way to cross the rail line.
Work to complete the rest of the new Croydon Transport Hub, including the bus interchange, new road connections, landscaping, and walking and cycling paths will continue into spring.