Works are ramping up in Ringwood East following the announcement that the Dublin Road level crossing will go and the new Ringwood East Station will open in 2024, a year ahead of schedule.
Six giant beams each weighing up to 43 tonnes and measuring 23m long have been installed on site. Known as Super T-beams, they are laid over the rail trench and will form the foundations of the station concourse. With the beams in place, crews can start to pour the concrete to build the concourse deck.
The new Ringwood East Station will have 2 entrances either side of the rail line, lifts and stairs, lighting, upgraded pedestrian and cycling paths, and 460 upgraded commuter car parks.
We recently finished work on the 561 concrete piles that will make up the walls of the new 650m rail trench and crews have started to dig out the 65,000 cubic metres of soil for the trench.
Dublin Road will remain open to traffic during works, and we're minimising disruption to the Lilydale Line by building the trench next to the existing rail line, so trains can keep running during construction.
The Lilydale Line will be the first level crossing free train line, with the boom gates at Coolstore Road, Croydon and Cave Hill Road, Lilydale gone for good in 2024.