Building the new cycling superhighway - one segment lifted into place, 194 more to go

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Crews have lifted the first segment of the new cycling superhighway into place near Dock Link Road.

Made up of 195 segments, the dedicated cycling path, also known as a veloway, will be suspended between the new elevated road above Footscray Road and completely separated from traffic, running from Shepherd Bridge in Footscray to the city side of Moonee Ponds Creek.

In a significant development for cyclist safety, the veloway will remove the need for cyclists to cross six intersections including busy port entries and exits. This will give bike riders a dedicated express off-road route to and from the CBD and support the growing number of Melburnians riding to work each day.

The first shipment of components for the veloway’s suspended section arrived in Melbourne in mid-February 2024, with assembly of its individual sections having begun soon after.

The veloway’s suspended section will be made up of 195 segments, with the assembly process including painting, electrical and drainage fit out works.

The new veloway - facts and safety features

Facts about the new veloway Key safety features

The veloway’s suspended section will weigh a total 1,700 tonnes. once complete, while:

  • 105,000 bolts will hold the veloway structure in place
  • a further 148,000 bolts will secure cladding to its frame
  • over 1,110 rods will further strengthen the veloway frame.
  • Emergency exits with alarms
  • Emergency vehicle access into and through the veloway
  • Lighting
  • Full CCTV coverage, monitored by a traffic control centre
  • A mesh cover and perforated side panels to let sunshine and fresh air through.

The veloway is part of more than 14km of new and upgraded paths being delivered by the West Gate Tunnel Project that will make it safer and easier for more people to cycle. Construction of the veloway is expected to be complete by late 2024.

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West Gate Tunnel Project