Embedding energy, water, materials and waste reduction initiatives into the design, construction and operation of North East Link.

Diverting construction material from landfill

During early construction of the project, we aimed to maximise our use of recycled materials. This led to the development of an alternative stabilised sand, made from 100% recycled materials.

This new sustainable backfill reuses construction materials that would have gone to landfill. We've already used almost 2.5 Olympic swimming pools worth, including during early works on Greensborough Road.

Not only does the backfill use recycled materials, but it also has advanced moisture control. This means it delivers consistent and more reliable results, even in wet weather.

The reliability of the backfill has led to a decrease in onsite testing and work is more efficient. It has also led to a decrease in truck movements and road disruptions needed to transport the new product.

Bulleen Park & Ride resource efficient design

Bulleen Park & Ride is a premium bus station near the Eastern Freeway and will connect with Melbourne’s first dedicated busway.

The new facility includes a range of energy, waste and water reduction initiatives.

Bulleen Park & Ride is covered by a 5000 square metre landscaped green roof – a Victorian first for a public transport hub. The green roof is landscaped with indigenous plants and trees to reduce urban heat island effects. It also provides thermal insulation for the car park below. Bulleen Park & Ride is built into the side of a natural steep slope. By using the natural slope of the area, the design minimises visual impact and fits into the existing landscape.

Three water tanks with more than 24,000L capacity collect rainwater from the roof, and the water is reused for landscape irrigation and toilets. An extra 67,000L tank will collect stormwater from the green roof for other landscape maintenance.

Other features of the park and ride include solar panels on the roof and future provision for charging stations for electric vehicles, including bikes.

Supporting Victoria’s circular economy

A project the size of North East Link creates significant opportunity to:

  • reduce waste in construction
  • maximise the use of reused and recycled materials
  • support the state’s circular economy.

We've been working with ecologiQ to learn how we can best use recycled content on North East Link. ecologiQ is a Victorian Government initiative that focuses on using recycled and reused materials on Victoria's Big Build projects.

Our tunnelling contractor (Spark) has also started a 'state of play' study. The study will provide up-to-date information and guidance to help identify opportunities to use recycled materials such as asphalt pavement and aggregates. The information will help inform work on North East Link and help deliver on a commitment to use at least 30% recycled materials.

The study will also be available to other construction projects to continue to build the industry’s knowledge and encourage uptake of recycled materials.