Completed in 2024

Project update

Extra lanes added on Craigieburn Road between Hume Highway and Mickleham Road as well as upgraded intersections and better walking, cycling and public transport connections in Craigieburn.

Finishing work

While major works are complete, we’re still doing some minor finishing works, including landscaping.

To safely complete these works, we’ll have some temporary lane closures and speed restrictions in place at times. Please observe on-road signage and drive safely.

When our works are complete, all lanes will be opened with their designated final speed limits, ranging between 60 km/h and 80 km/h.

Latest videos

Take a sneak peak at the massive change on Craigieburn Road as major works on the Craigieburn Road Upgrade are now complete.

See a side by side before and after comparison of the upgrade.

Craigieburn Road reopening
