Community consultation summary
From 17 June to 17 July 2022, we asked the local community and businesses for feedback on the Mickleham Road Upgrade – Stage 1.
This feedback has helped us understand how people currently use Mickleham Road, their views on access, efficiency, and safety, and what’s important in the local area. It highlighted the need to improve safety, traffic flow and congestion.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide feedback via our online survey, interactive map, in meetings or at our pop-up community session.
Engagement statistics
Community surveys completed
Comments on interactive map
Questions asked on Q&A tool
Views of the Engage Victoria website
Community members spoken with at an in-person community session
People reached by social media advertising
Letters and flyers mailed to the local community
People reached by print advertising
Key themes
A total of 710 submissions were received from the community regarding the Mickleham Road Upgrade – Stage 1. These submissions have been categorised into themes below:
Traffic and congestion
- 46% of submissions were related to traffic and congestion concerns
- This included requests for changes to be made to improve congestion
- Suggestions to increase the number of lanes and add traffic lights where possible.
Work completion time
- 39% of submissions were related to the length of time in which works would be completed
- People asked for works to be completed as quickly as possible and commented on these works being overdue.
Active transport
- 12% of submissions related to concerns about the current lack of safe walkways and bike paths, including requests that improvements be made to the existing infrastructure.
Road condition and improvements
- 40% of submissions were related to the road, its condition and improvements
- People suggested a range of improvements to the surrounding road network.
- 32% of submissions related to current safety concerns and suggestions for a range of safety improvement measures such as changes to traffic lights, bike paths and lanes.
- 9% of submissions related to concerns about poor lighting and requests for sufficient lighting to be provided
- This included comments relating to the number of traffic lights in the area.
What we heard
The feedback highlighted some common themes expressed by respondents.