The Victorian and Australian governments have committed funding to start planning for a potential upgrade of Mickleham Road between Dellamore Boulevard and Craigieburn Road (approximately 3.7km).
As part of our planning for the Mickleham Road Upgrade – Stage 2, we’re investigating potential solutions to:
- enhance the benefits that will result from the Mickleham Road Upgrade – Stage 1, between Somerton Road and Dellamore Boulevard and the Craigieburn Road Upgrade, between Hume Highway and Mickleham Road (both currently in construction)
- improve road safety
- reduce conflict points at key intersections along the road
- reduce congestion and improve travel times
- increase road capacity, catering for population growth and increased vehicle movements
- make it easier and safer to walk and cycle in the area.
Planning and development
We’re currently undertaking planning and development work to inform the potential Mickleham Road Upgrade – Stage 2. This includes traffic modelling, environmental and site investigations, planning and social studies.
This will give us a complete picture of the area, allows us to understand environmental and social impacts, develop design options, and confirm scope and costs of different options.
To help inform our planning, roadside technical investigations will be undertaken from March until late 2023. At times during these investigations, we may need to implement traffic control measures, including temporary lane closures, stop/slow traffic and reduce speeds. We’ll keep traffic disruption to a minimum and will avoid busy periods.
A business case is currently being developed and is expected to be complete in 2024. The business case is a comprehensive document that will provide a detailed examination of the potential upgrade to help inform government decision making.
Community and business feedback
From 24 April 2023 to 14 May 2023, we asked for community and business feedback via Engage Victoria to help inform our planning and shape the development of design options for the potential upgrade. Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide feedback. More than 355 community and business surveys were completed, and 37 pieces of feedback were provided on our interactive map.
Feedback has helped us understand how people currently use the road as well as views on safety, traffic flow and what we should consider in our planning. We also heard how local businesses operate and use the road network.
Feedback highlighted strong support for a potential upgrade to reduce travel times, boost road capacity and make it easier and safer to walk and cycle in the area. 95% of survey respondents support the potential road upgrade and 99% of respondents said they would like additional lanes added to Mickleham Road between Dellamore Boulevard and Craigieburn Road.
For further information on what you’ve said view the Community and Business Consultation Summary (PDF, 683.6 KB).
Feedback is being considered in our planning and is helping shape the development of design options.
Next steps
Planning work on the potential upgrade is continuing. Key activities include:
- detailed on-site environmental investigations to further understand flora and fauna which might be impacted
- Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act referral – to determine whether the potential upgrade would need formal assessment and approval under the Act.
- Preparing a Cultural Heritage Management Plan - to outline measures to ensure Aboriginal cultural heritage is recognised and safeguarded.