Managing flora and fauna
We understand and share the value placed on flora and fauna. With all major projects, we sensitively balance our impact on the environment with the need to improve road safety and journey reliability.
Flora and fauna investigations
We engaged a team of ecologists, zoologists and arborists who are qualified in biodiversity and environmental science to carry out the flora and fauna assessment for the project.
As part of the site assessment, our team walked the entire project boundary, examining the area using binoculars, cameras and GPS enabled Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) tablets to spatially record and map scattered trees, vegetation and the location of significant flora and fauna species.
We undertook a flora and fauna investigation assessment to:
- identify sensitive and protected flora and fauna, including potential fauna habitats
- ensure we were complying with federal and state environmental legislation requirements
- understand potential impacts that the project may have on identified sensitive species
- develop measures to reduce potential impacts, such as adjusting the design, installing controls, identifying construction 'no-go zones' and implementing Environmental Management Plans.
Trees and vegetation
We’ve designed the Plenty Road Upgrade to preserve the local environment as much as possible. Our team of experts explored all possibilities to retain as many trees as we could, while developing opportunities to reuse any timber from trees that we removed.
Plant species
We identified various species of vegetation throughout the project area. This included native and introduced trees. Throughout the life of the project we worked closely with arborists to minimise our impact on all vegetation.
We will also develop a landscape plan in consultation with the City of Whittlesea that determines the types of new trees that we plant. This occurs at the end of the project.
Fauna protection
Many species of fauna are found within the area, including mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians.
Before removing vegetation, an ecologist conducted surveys to identify any hollow-bearing trees and help determine suitable locations for relocated habitat. Our project ecologist was on site when work occurred near vegetation to ensure no animals are harmed during construction.
We’ll also placed fauna fencing to protect animals from vehicles and machinery. Our team was also equipped to relocate any animals we found to a safe habitat. Added protection measures were used in places frequented by the Growling Grass Frog.
Managing environmental impacts
To manage environmental impacts during the project, we have:
- developed an Environmental Management Plan, to help control and minimise any ecological and environmental impacts during construction
- developed an offset strategy to address requirements under the Planning and Environmental Act 1987 for the removal of any native vegetation
- developed, and implemented a Kangaroo Management Plan outlining locations of kangaroo exclusion fencing locations and relocation procedures
- sought appropriate approvals as required, made necessary design adjustments and implemented an action plan to reduce potential environmental impacts
- organised a Timber Reuse Plan, Tree Impact Assessment and Fauna Management Plan.