Come chat with us and learn more about the Project, including upcoming works in your area.

Find us at Pit Stop Park, next to Australian Defence Force, Monash University and Kangan TAFE.

Join us on these days

  • Thursday 13 March 10am to 7.30pm
  • Friday 14 March and Saturday 15 March - 8.30am to 7.30pm
  • Sunday 16 March  8.30am to 7pm

Get into pole position – join us at the F1 Australian Grand Prix!

As we gear up to open the West Gate Tunnel by end 2025, visit us at the Grand Prix and test drive your new journeys via our driving simulator!

Offering an immersive 3D driving experience, our driving simulator will help you explore your new journeys on the newly widened West Gate Freeway, twin tunnels and new city connections.

You can chat with us to find out more about your future journeys and how the West Gate Tunnel offers drivers, cyclists and pedestrians new travel options when the project crosses the finish line in late 2025.

West Gate Tunnel Project
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