Real-time traffic monitoring

The Freeway Control Centre is the nerve centre of the West Gate Freeway and tunnels. Cameras monitor traffic and any issues on the road in in real-time.

Safety in the tunnel

The West Gate Tunnel will have state-of-the-art technology to keep drivers safe. Key features include:

  • CCTV and automatic incident detection – cameras monitor traffic and detect issues in real time
  • over-height vehicle detection – automatically alerts drivers if their vehicle is too tall for the tunnel
  • lane-use management signs – will show speed limits and lane closures
  • real-time electronic messaging signs – keeping you updated while driving
  • emergency access and exits – ensures immediate help when you need it
  • communication systems – includes a public address system and emergency phones
  • mobile and radio reception – keeps you connected while in the tunnel
  • ventilation fans – keep air fresh
  • fire and water systems – ready to respond to emergencies
  • maintenance tunnel beneath the road – provides 24/7 access to critical systems.

Making merging easier

Weaving and merging where vehicles enter and exit the freeway can slow down traffic.

To help, new signals on entry ramps will manage the flow of traffic getting onto the West Gate Freeway.

These regulate the flow of traffic onto the road during busy times and to keep people safe.

Pay attention to the signals and be mindful of merging traffic as you’re coming on and off the freeway.

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