29 April 2024

Maddox Road level crossing

Maddox Road level crossing

We’re removing the Maddox Road, Newport level crossing by building two rail bridges over the road, improving safety, reducing congestion, and improving local connections.

We're closing the level crossing at Champion Road, only 500m away, and building a new link road to keep vehicles moving, improve safety, and create more reliable travel times.

The link road will connect Champion Road to Maddox Road directly via Akuna Drive and will open before the Champion Road level crossing is closed in 2026.

We’ll also build a new pedestrian bridge across the rail line at Champion Road to keep the community connected.

We’ll make it safer for people to cross the rail line at Maddox Road and upgrade local walking and cycling connections.

Community members can provide feedback on the project via the formal planning consultation process and a new community survey. Visit EngageVictoria to have your say before 11.59pm, Sunday 9 June 2024.

We'll be holding information sessions in May, join us to find out more and fill out a survey. See below for more information about how to register to attend.

Why these level crossings need to go

  • Up to 48 trains run in the morning peak, meaning that the boom gates are down for around 50 minutes.
  • Over 10,000 vehicles travel through these crossings each day.
  • Improved safety for drivers, bike riders and pedestrians.

New link road

We're building a new link road to keep the community moving. The link road will connect Champion Road to Maddox Road by extending Akuna Drive to create a safer, more reliable connection.

We'll open the new road before the Champion Road crossing is closed in 2026.

Akuna Drive is a key access point for multiple businesses. Extending the road will provide direct access to Maddox Road and make it easier for locals to move around. As part of this, we're seeking community and local business insights to inform designs and road network outcomes.

The project team has worked to minimise the impact of works in the local area on residents and businesses. However some commercial land acquisition will be required. The project team is working directly with affected businesses and landowners to assist them through this process.

We'll share designs later this year and show you how your feedback has helped shape the project.

Did you know?

The Metro Tunnel is on track to open in 2025, a year ahead of schedule allowing for more trains, more often on the Werribee Line.

Project benefits

  • New walking and cycling connections.
  • Better road network outcomes.
  • Improved safety for vehicles, pedestrians and bike riders.
  • More reliable travel times for locals, with no boom gate downtime.
  • Opportunities for community open space.

Why we're closing Champion Road

Assessments show a closure is the only feasible way to remove this level crossing due to a number of site constraints.

Critical underground services are located close to the level crossing, including the pipelines that provide fuel to Melbourne Airport. We also need to minimise impacts to the Newport Train Stabling Yards that keep the Metropolitan rail network running.

We'll close the Champion Road level crossing in 2026, following the opening of the new link road.

Read our fact sheet to learn more about how we selected designs.

Champion Road level crossing

Keeping you moving

Read our travel changes fact sheet to learn more about how we're keeping you moving.

Walking and cycling

Last year, you told us that improvements to walking and cycling connections were important to the Newport community.

As part of the project, we’ll build a new pedestrian bridge across the rail line at Champion Road.

The bridge will help keep the community connected, making it easy to move around the area and access local businesses on Champion Road and Challis Street, as well as nearby parks.

This new connection will meet modern standards and be accessible for everyone in the community, allowing more space for those with mobility aids, prams and bicycles to cross the rail line.

We’ll also build a shared walking and cycling path on Railway Parade connecting into the existing path on Market Street, making it safer for people to move around the area.

Champion Road level crossing

What we've heard so far

Thank you to everyone who has provided their feedback and engaged with the project so far.

Vision and values insights

  • Nearly three quarters of people told us better walking and cycling connections were important
  • After driving, walking and cycling are the most common ways locals get around Newport.
  • The top three improvements people wanted to see were reduced congestion, more accessibility and better safety.
  • Ease of movement through the local area is what people value most.

Information session feedback

Link road

What we heard

The community would like more information about how the link road will work.


The link road will connect Champion Road to Maddox Road directly via Akuna Drive and will open before the Champion Road level crossing is closed in 2026.

New public space and better connections

What we heard

Community members had positive feedback on potential walking and cycling opportunities and would like the project to explore other public space opportunities.


A new pedestrian bridge will allow pedestrians and bike riders to safely cross the rail line at Champion Road, we’ll also upgrade local walking and cycling connections.

We will create new public space for the community.

Getting involved

What we heard

The community is interested in more opportunities to get involved.


The next phase of consultation is now open and we're holding information sessions in May.

We have set up a Stakeholder Liaison Group made up of community members who will meet regularly to discuss the project.


What we heard

Community members would like more information around construction impacts.


We’re continuing investigations to gather more information about the site to inform our construction.

Get involved

Planning approval

Planning approval for this project will proceed under Clause 52.03 – Level Crossing Removal Project of the Hobsons Bay Planning Scheme.

LXRP is seeking community feedback on a range of planning matters, including:

  • project boundary
  • construction-related impacts
  • environmental impacts
  • amenity impacts
  • native vegetation
  • heritage.

Consultation is now open, providing you with an opportunity to formally submit your feedback.

Planning submissions can be made online at EngageVictoria.

If you would like a hard copy submission form sent to you, please contact us on 1800 105 105 or email contact@levelcrossings.vic.gov.au.

Please note that the planning submission period has been extended by 2 weeks.

Your planning submission must be received by 11.59pm, Sunday 9 June 2024.

All feedback received will be included in a consultation report, which will inform the Minister for Planning’s assessment of the project under Clause 52.03.

Chat with the project team

Join us at an in-person community information session or webinar to find out more about the project.

Community sessions

Face to face

  • Wednesday 8 May
  • Saturday 11 May


  • Tuesday 14 May

Visit TryBooking to register. Registration is required for all sessions.

If you would like a hard copy survey sent to you via mail, please contact us on 1800 105 105 or email us at contact@levelcrossings.vic.gov.au.

Fill out a survey by visiting EngageVictoria.

Project timeline

Late 2022

  • Project announced


  • Vision and value engagement
  • Early site investigations and planning

Early 2024

  • Planning consultation and community surveys
  • Stakeholder Liaison Group meetings begin
  • Continue site investigations and planning

Late 2024

  • Design released
  • Early works begin


  • Major works begin


  • Maddox Road level crossing removed
  • New link road opens
  • Champion Road level crossing closed
  • Newport level crossing free

Timeline subject to change.