North East Community Fund

North East Community Fund

Earlier this year, communities in Melbourne’s north east had another opportunity to benefit from the  $10 million fund  that is helping local groups and organisations during construction of the North East Link.

Congratulations to the successful grant recipients. A total of 50 projects will receive nearly $1.8 million worth of funding for projects to support their local community, including community festivals and events, environmental and sustainable workshops programs, and infrastructure upgrades.

Projects that have been awarded funding fit into the following categories:

  • Connecting: Up to $10,000 for a one-off initiative that aims to improve community connectedness and participation.
  • Celebrating: Up to $20,000 for festivals, events, and installations that bring local people together.
  • Transforming: Up to $75,000 for improvements to local community, sporting and recreation facilities and local environments.
  • Partnerships: Up to $100,000 for large-scale partnerships where wide-reaching community benefits or a significant lasting outcome can be demonstrated.

There will be more opportunities to apply for funding in 2025.

The types of programs that can be supported range from art exhibitions, sports club open days, initiatives to increase local participation, and community centre upgrades.

Over 150  projects and initiatives have been funded through the first 3 rounds of funding, including accessibility upgrades, play equipment for toy libraries, gardening workshops, Family Fun Days, cultural camps, coaches clinics, mindfulness workshops, upgrades of shared outdoor spaces and scout hall improvements.

Grant writing workshops will be available to help people with future applications.
Applications are now closed and will be opening in 2025.

Important dates

Awarding of Grants & advice to recipients

November 2024

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