Environmental Policy

The vision for North East Link and connecting M80 Ring Road Completion and Eastern Freeway Upgrades projects is to lead by example in promoting high standards of environmental performance across all phases of delivery.

To achieve this vision, we’ll work with our partners to:

  • ensure our project partners adopt leading practices in environmental management to meet or exceed our environmental requirements and minimise harm to the environment.
  • foster a culture of collaboration and continual improvement to protect the environment and enhance our environmental performance.
  • establish and implement an environmental management system to meet or exceed our environmental compliance obligations, including all applicable environmental legislation, regulations, objectives and targets through a continual improvement process.
  • ensure staff, contractors and suppliers have the appropriate skills and knowledge to meet environmental challenges.
  • measure, monitor and report on our environmental performance in a timely manner.
  • continually seek opportunities to reduce our environmental footprint, improve environmental outcomes and create lasting benefits.

To give effect to this policy, our people will:

  • provide staff and partners with information, training and support to meet environmental requirements and compliance obligations to manage and minimise the environmental risks and impacts of our activities.
  • listen, learn and share knowledge on environmental matters across our working teams, with our stakeholders and industry peers.
  • effectively implement and monitor compliance with our environmental management systems to achieve our environmental performance requirements, objectives and targets.
  • publicly report our environmental performance.

Read North East Link's Environmental Policy

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