The Environmental Management Framework includes Environmental Performance Requirements (EPRs) for North East Link, the M80 Ring Road Completion and Eastern Freeway Upgrades.
The EPRs outline the environmental outcomes that must be achieved throughout the design, construction and operation of the projects, including strict requirements to make sure construction and environmental impacts are managed well and the projects deliver long-lasting community benefit.
There are more than 100 EPRs and they cover a range of areas including noise and air quality, vibration, visual impacts, landscaping, surface and ground water and tree and vegetation management.
On 21 July 2021, an updated Environmental Management Framework was approved by the Deputy Secretary – Planning for the Department of Land, Water, Environment and Planning, under delegation from the Minister for Planning.
This amendment to the Environmental Management Framework fulfils the requirements of Clause 4.5.6 of the North East Link Program Incorporated Document that the Environmental Management Framework must be amended to ensure references and requirements in the EMF and EPRs are consistent with the Environment Protection Act 2017, as amended by the Environment Protection Amendment Act 2018.