Lower Plenty Dance Group (LPDG) is a not-for-profit organisation that runs weekly dance classes for people with a range of intellectual disabilities living in Banyule, Nillumbik and surrounding areas.
Following the impacts of the coronavirus, the group noticed that there is still a reluctance to engage in social activities – meaning that people are not fully connecting socially.
With funding from the North East Community Fund, the group held a social dinner dance event, ‘Reconnecting Celebrations’ on Tuesday 28 March at Rosanna Golf Club in Lower Plenty with more than 150 people taking part. The event aims to celebrate those who have supported the group over the years and allowed past and new members to connect with each other.
The fund contributed $8300 to host a catered social dance and will also help the group to resume their weekly dances – providing opportunities for participants to socialise and dance in a safe and positive environment.