Completed in 2024


Bridge Inn Road upgraded between Plenty and Yan Yean roads in Doreen.

Flora and fauna investigations

We assessed all aspects of the environment in order to inform our design and control measures. We understood that 2 of the most important environmental features of the local area were vegetation and wildlife, and special consideration was been given to these.

We engaged a team of ecologists and arborists who were qualified in biodiversity and environmental science to carry out the flora and fauna assessment for the project.

As part of the site assessments, we mapped the entire project site to record wildlife, vegetation and significant species.

We undertook the investigations to:

  • identify sensitive and protected plants and animals, including potential habitats
  • ensure we are complying with federal and state environmental legislation requirements including obtaining vegetation offsets
  • understand potential impacts that the project may have on identified sensitive species
  • develop measures to reduce potential impacts, such as adjusting the design, installing controls and identifying construction "no go zones"
  • understand and plan for community concerns about specific areas.

Environmental approvals

All necessary approvals were gained to undertake this work.

  • We obtained approval under the Planning and Environment Act 1987 in the form of a Planning Scheme Amendment.
  • For native vegetation removal we procured offsets for the project, in accordance with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) requirements
  • We obtained all necessary heritage approvals.

Managing environmental impacts

To manage environmental impacts during the project, we:

  • developed an Environmental Management Strategy which was been approved by the Minister for Planning
  • developed managements plans, to control and minimise any ecological and environmental impacts during construction
  • sought all appropriate approvals as required and made necessary design refinements to reduce environmental impacts.

Assessment, protection and clearing of vegetation

All road projects of this scale can have an impact on vegetation. While every effort was made to protect existing trees and vegetation, some areas of the road reserve were narrow and tree removal was necessary. The upgrades require space to build new lanes and shared cycling and walking paths.

An arborist and ecologist reports were prepared to assess the species, size and number of trees to be impacted across the project. The reports informed the degree of impact on each tree and guided decisions around which trees were to be retained or removed.

The reports were also used to determine:

  • trees to be retained
  • trees that required protection during construction
  • offset requirements.

The project team consulted with numerous internal and external stakeholders to make sure that relevant approvals were in place and impacts were fully considered before removing vegetation. This included consultation with the local council and DELWP.

Bridge Inn Road area

e-using felled timber

The reuse of mulch and timber was in line with the project’s aim to achieve highest and best reuse options.

We worked with local community groups including the local men’s shed, schools and kindergartens, and the City of Whittlesea to identify the best ways wood could be reused. Some timber was mulched on site for safe removal from the road. Selected logs were cut by the contractor and retained for use in landscaping and we set aside burls for the Wurundjeri people for traditional crafts.

Under no circumstance was any timber, mulch or by-products as a result of tree clearing activities sent to landfill. The project endeavoured to reuse and repurpose all by-products of tree removal activities.

Protection of local wildlife

The site assessment found that there were no protected species in the project area. Even so, prior to removal, trees were inspected for the presence of wildlife, and qualified handlers were onsite during tree removal to safely move any wildlife as necessary.

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