
Hallam North and Heatherton Road Upgrade


In September and October 2018, we shared our proposed Hallam North and Heatherton Road Upgrade design.

Public consultation was promoted through a range of engagement activities including newspaper advertisements, social media advertisements, emails, a community pop up event and engagement with local councils. In addition, we sent out:

  • over 10,000 postcards
  • planning process letters to approximately 600 residential and commercial properties within 100 metres of the project area
  • letters to seven properties to inform impacted landowners and occupants that land acquisition of property they own may be required
  • letter to approximately 100 residential properties and one business abutting the project area to inform landowners and occupants that no land acquisition is expected
  • emails to 69 key stakeholders and project subscribers.

From the consultation, we received over 170 items of feedback to inform the proposed design.

Throughout 2019 and in early 2020 we door knocked local residents, distributed project updates and emails and attended local community events to continue raising awareness of the upgrade.

Project design

As a result of feedback, the design includes:

  • traffic lights installed at Thomas Mitchell Drive
  • access changes from Kanaru Court and Fairmont Court to Heatherton Road
  • easier access to Narrehills Family Church
  • removal of a U-turn on Heatherton Road to access the Heatherton Village shops, replaced with traffic lights
  • access changes to properties.

Shared user paths on both sides of Hallam North Road have been included as part of the project.

Project approvals

The City of Casey Planning Scheme Amendment determined an Environmental Effects Statement was not required for this project. However, an Environmental Management Strategy (EMS) was prepared in consultation with the City of Casey and to the satisfaction of the Minister for Planning.

Planning Scheme Amendment