
Hallam North and Heatherton Road Upgrade

Leaving a green legacy

We cleared some trees and vegetation to make way for new traffic lanes, intersections and shared use paths. Vegetation removal work was carried out in stages to minimise impacts on wildlife and visual amenity.

We also:

  • undertook detailed, on-site inspections of trees and branch overhangs to retain as many trees and as much native habitat as possible
  • inspected trees before and during removal to find and relocate wildlife
  • identified ‘no go’ zones and tree protection markings to protect any vegetation not required to be removed for the project, especially sensitive native vegetation and wildlife.

Flora and fauna

A biodiversity assessment was undertaken to determine the ecological values of the project area and surrounding land. No listed flora or fauna species were recorded under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) and Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 (FFG Act).


A road traffic noise impact assessment was undertaken in accordance with the VicRoads Traffic Noise Reduction Policy (2005). The results of the assessment concluded that the noise levels along Hallam North Road were expected to increase due to changes to the road alignment. Dwellings located closer to the new road were predicted to experience a ‘barely perceptible’ increase in noise levels, with only 3% predicted to experience a ‘perceptible’ increase of more than 3 decibels.

As such the project was not required to construct noise walls or other attenuation as defined in the VicRoads Traffic Noise Reduction Policy (2005).

Cultural heritage

A Cultural Heritage Due Diligence assessment was completed for the project. The assessment determined the project area was subject to significant ground disturbance since the early to mid-twentieth century and that a Cultural Heritage Management Plan pursuant to the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 was not required.

Instead, a Preliminary Aboriginal Heritage Test was prepared and approved by Aboriginal Victoria for the project. It found there to be very low to negligible likelihood of any Aboriginal cultural heritage material within the project area.

No registered or identified places of local or state heritage significance were found within or adjacent to the project area.