A total of 27 level crossings will be gone from the Frankston Line by 2029, clearing the way for more frequent services, improving safety and easing congestion. It will join the Pakenham, Cranbourne and Lilydale lines as level crossing-free.
Level crossings are set to go from:
- Wickham Road, Highett
- Highett Road, Highett
- McDonald Street, Mordialloc
- Station Street, Aspendale
- Groves Street, Aspendale
- Armstrongs Road, Seaford
- Station Street, Seaford
- Latrobe Street, Mentone (closure)
- Bear Street, Mordialloc (closure)
More than 51,000 vehicles travel over these level crossings each day, which are frequented by 43 trains during the morning peak, when the boom gates are down for up to 48 minutes. There have been 51 near misses at these locations since 2016, as well as one fatality.
Early engineering assessments indicate that a rail bridge will be the best design to remove the level crossings at Wickham Road and Highett Road in Highett.
Proximity to Mordialloc Creek means McDonald Street in Mordialloc and Station Street in Aspendale are also best removed by a rail bridge, with a new alignment likely for the road at Station Street in Aspendale. We understand Mordialloc Creek is culturally significant, and the project team will work closely with the Traditional Owners throughout design and construction. The removal of McDonald Street level crossing also allows for the closure of the Bear Street level crossing in Mordialloc.
Armstrongs Road and Station Street in Seaford will also be removed by rail bridge design, due to the proximity of Kananook Creek. These designs will create opportunities for open space as well as cycling and walking connections.
The best solution to remove the level crossing at Groves Street, Aspendale is to lower the rail line underneath the road.
The recent removals of the boom gates at Park and Charman roads in Cheltenham and Balcombe Road in Mentone coupled with the removal at Warrigal Road in Mentone and Parkers Road in Parkdale allow for the closure of the Latrobe Street level crossing, with a pedestrian crossing to be maintained.
The project will include new stations at Highett, Mordialloc, Aspendale and Seaford, delivering modern facilities for passengers, which will see 17 new state-of-the-art stations built on the Frankston Line by 2029.
More detail, including on construction timelines and community consultation, will be provided in the coming months.