
Thompsons Road and Berwick-Cranbourne Road Intersection Upgrade

As part of the planning stage of the project we conducted a range of investigations including traffic modelling, social studies and environmental investigations. These helped us to understand environmental and social impacts, develop design options, and confirm scope and costs of the project.

We also sought feedback from stakeholders and the local community to understand your thoughts on how the intersection is used and inform the project scope.

In early 2024, we completed the business case and reference designs for the project.

We’re currently seeking approval from the Minister for Planning to build the upgrade and finalise our designs and construction planning.

Planning approval process

As part of the planning approval process, we’ve submitted a planning application to the Minister for Planning under Clause 52.35 Major Road Projects of the Casey Planning Scheme.

The Minister for Planning is responsible for all planning applications submitted under this clause.

Clause 52.35 enables the efficient delivery of the Victorian Government’s commitment to improve the transport network across Victoria, increasing capacity and improving the safety of road, rail, and pedestrian networks across the State.

The planning requirements for a proposed project are fully considered under this clause.

Proposed project boundary consultation

The project boundary defines where permanent and temporary works, including site compounds, will take place. The map below shows the proposed project boundary.

From Friday 12 April to Sunday 28 April 2024 we asked you to provide feedback on the proposed project boundary.

Thank you to those who have provided feedback.

All feedback received was included in our planning application to the Minister for Planning. A summary of the feedback will be available online once we have received Minister approval.

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