Dohertys Road

Western Roads Upgrade


We completed the Dohertys Road Upgrade in early-2021.

Our upgrades to Dohertys Road include:

  • a new lane in each direction from Palmers Road to Foundation Road, and from Fitzgerald Road to Grieve Parade
  • a second Dohertys Road bridge over the Princes Freeway
  • a new walking and cycling overpass over Dohertys Road for the Federation Trail
  • 4 new traffic lights at key intersections along Dohertys Road
  • new separated walking and cycling paths along Dohertys Road.

View a larger version of the map (PDF, 128.0 KB)


The Dohertys Road Upgrade has transformed this key industrial and freight route. These benefits include:

  • safer and more reliable journeys for freight get to where they need
  • more reliable journey times for all road users with extra lanes
  • safer separated walking and cycling connections away from cars and heavy vehicles
  • a more seamless and safer journey along the Federation Trail, with a new walking and cycling bridge over Dohertys Road
  • better connections to some of Melbourne’s biggest growth areas
  • more reliable east-west connection to the Princes Freeway and Western Ring Road.

Reasons for the upgrade

More than 20,000 cars and trucks rely on Dohertys Road every day.

Dohertys Road is a key route within the Western Industrial Precinct, connecting this rapidly growing freight hub to the M80 Freeway Corridor, Princes Freeway, and the Port of Melbourne.