Stage 2

Yan Yean Road Upgrade

Expressions of interest to join the Community Reference Group are now open

We’re looking for individuals with strong ties to the local area to represent their community in a Community Reference Group that will work directly with the Yan Yean Road Upgrade – Stage 2 project team.

To apply, fill in our online application form by Sunday 6 April 2025. Please read the Terms of Reference (PDF, 498.0 KB) and eligibility criteria before applying.

Apply now

Project update

To start construction sooner, we’ll build the project in sections. We’ll start by upgrading the intersection of Bridge Inn, Yan Yean and Doctors Gully roads.

We’ve selected Decmil as our preferred contractor to build this first section and will work with them over the coming months to finalise our construction plans and detailed designs.

We expect to start construction in late 2025. View the reference design for the intersection.


We’re upgrading Yan Yean Road between Kurrak Road, Yarrambat and Bridge Inn Road, Doreen. The upgrade will build on benefits provided by Yan Yean Road Upgrade - Stage 1 to improve safety and traffic flow through Plenty, Yarrambat and Doreen.

Yan Yean Road Upgrade – Stage 2 will:

  • build a new lane in each direction between Kurrak and Bridge Inn roads
  • replace the roundabouts at  Orchard and Bridge Inn roads with new traffic lights
  • install new traffic lights at North Oatlands Road, Bannons Lane and Jorgensen Avenue
  • build new roundabouts at Heard Avenue and Youngs Road
  • upgrade the signalised intersection at Ironbark Road
  • build new walking and cycling paths along both sides of Yan Yean  Road.

The upgrade will:

  • improve safety and traffic flow
  • create more consistent and reliable journeys
  • make it easier and safer for you to walk and cycle around your local area.

Construction approach

We’ll build the upgrade in sections, starting at the northern end first, with the intersection of Bridge Inn, Yan Yean and Doctors Gully roads. This will allow us to start construction sooner and build on the benefits delivered by the Bridge Inn Road Upgrade.

We’ll be able to build the new intersection with minimal disruption to traffic and businesses in the area, as the new intersection will be built to the northeast of its current location while the existing intersection continues to operate.

While we get a head start on upgrading the Bridge Inn, Yan Yean and Doctors Gully roads intersection, we’ll get the rest of the project area ready for construction.

Travelling on the upgraded road

Once the upgrade is complete, most local roads and properties along Yan Yean Road will have left turn access in and out of Yan Yean Road.

This will greatly improve traffic flow and safety by preventing drivers from attempting risky uncontrolled right turns and directing traffic to designated locations to turn right or U-turn.

Safe right turn and U-turn opportunities will be provided at each of the upgraded intersections along Yan Yean Road.

An additional heavy vehicle U-turn opportunity will be available on Doctors Gully Road for eastbound vehicles to turn around and travel west towards the upgraded Bridge Inn Road intersection.

Some drivers might find they need to travel slightly further to get where they need to go. Although this may mean your trip is a little longer, once the road is upgraded, your overall journey will be safer and more reliable.

Site investigations

To help inform our planning, we’ll need to complete some site investigations.

When we’re working close to the roadside, we might need to implement traffic control measures to keep our workers safe. This could include temporary lane closures, stop/slow traffic and lower speeds.

We’ll plan our roadside site investigations carefully to keep traffic disruption to a minimum and avoid busy periods.

Planning and development

Yan Yean Road Upgrade – Stage 2 went through an Environment Effects Statement (EES) process in 2020. The Inquiry and Advisory Committee (IAC) appointed by the Minister for Planning to assess the EES, prepared a detailed report and made a recommendation to the Minister for Planning in February 2021.

In March 2021, the Minister for Planning released their Assessment following the exhibition of the EES and concluded that the upgrade could proceed with some recommended updates to the Environmental Management Framework (EMF) and Environmental Performance Requirements (EPRs).

In 2021, the project obtained the following planning and environment approvals required to upgrade Yan Yean Road:

  • April 2021 - Assessment under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC). The EPBC Act enables the Australian Government to join with the states and territories to provide a national scheme of environment and heritage protection and biodiversity conservation. The EPBC Act focuses Australian Government interests on the protection of matters of national environmental significance, with the states and territories having responsibility for matters of state and local significance.
  • August 2021 - Planning Scheme Amendment (PSA), which establishes a framework to manage environmental effects associated with the road upgrade through an Incorporated Document. The draft PSA was exhibited during the Environmental Effects Statement (EES) process. When the PSA was approved, the Public Acquisition Overlay (PAO) was also approved.
  • December 2021 – A Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP), which assesses the potential impact to Aboriginal cultural heritage and how that heritage can be best protected was approved by Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation.

The Environmental Management Framework (EMF) and Environmental Performance Requirements (EPRs) have been approved. These are in line with the outcomes of the Minister’s Assessment of the project’s Environment Effects Statement.

The EMF provides a framework to effectively manage environmental impacts associated with the road upgrade.

The EPRs set the standards for the upgrade and are put in place to avoid or minimise any adverse local effects on people and environment.

Next steps

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