The Environment Effects Statement (EES) for Yan Yean Road Upgrade – Stage 2 examined the potential environmental, social, cultural and economic impacts of the road upgrade and identified how they will be avoided, mitigated or managed. The EES process was overseen by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP).
The Minister for Planning released their Assessment on 23 March 2021, concluding that the environmental effects were to be appropriately managed and that the project could proceed on that basis.
The EES documents consisted of a main report, a map book, technical reports and the draft Planning Scheme Amendment.
To inform the EES, we engaged a team of independent specialists to carry out a series of technical investigations and collate the results into a number of reports.
The areas of study include:
- effects on transport capacity and connectivity
- effects on biodiversity, including arboriculture, flora and fauna
- effects on cultural values, including Aboriginal and historic cultural heritage
- effects on land uses, businesses and social assets
- effects on the physical environment, including air quality, surface water, groundwater, land contamination, noise and vibration
- developing a Landscape Strategy for the project.
Find out about these areas of study in the video below.
The EES Public Exhibition took place between 31 August and 9 October 2020 and was managed by Planning Panels Victoria. During Public Exhibition, the EES was on display for public comment. Commenting on the EES gave people an opportunity to have their views considered in planning approvals decisions for Yan Yean Road Upgrade – Stage 2. Submissions about the issues that matter most to the community were made directly to Planning Panels Victoria.
The EES public hearing ran over 12 days between 30 November and 16 December 2020. The purpose of the public hearing was to give people an opportunity to speak in support of their written submission and was open for anyone to view proceedings.
When the public hearing concluded, the Inquiry and Advisory Committee that was appointed by the Minister for Planning to assess the EES prepared a detailed report and presented their findings to the Minister for Planning for consideration.
The Minister for Planning released their Assessment on 23 March 2021. The Minister’s Assessment concluded that the upgrade could proceed with some recommended updates to the Environmental Management Framework (EMF) and Environmental Performance Requirements (EPRs).
The full Environment Effects Statement (EES) report for the Yan Yean Road Upgrade is available below: