Urban Design Framework

The Level Crossing Removal Project aims to build transport infrastructure and community spaces across Melbourne that are prosperous, safe and vibrant – great places to be. This involves many different disciplines working together, including architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning and engineering.

We worked closely with the Office of the Victorian Government Architect (OVGA) and other government agencies to develop a consistent design approach for creating great places. This is called our Urban Design Framework.

View our Urban Design Framework (PDF, 2.9 MB)

The role of the Urban Design Framework is to guide the design and delivery of each project. Rather than providing prescriptive urban design solutions, the Framework outlines the quality, vision and aspirations for our projects.

If you require assistance in accessing or understanding our Urban Design Framework, please contact us by emailing contact@levelcrossings.vic.gov.au or call 1800 105 105.

Our urban design process

Our Urban Design Framework outlines:

  • A common vision: create a lasting legacy for Melbourne through great urban design and place making in our major transport infrastructure projects.
  • Design review: use an Urban Design Advisory Panel at key milestones throughout the project lifecycle.
  • Our 8 Urban Design Principles.

Our urban design principles

The 8 Urban Design Principles help define what makes a great place.

Expand the below boxes to learn more about these principles.