Sustainability policies

Level Crossing Removal Project Sustainability Policy

In 2015, the Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP) adopted a Sustainability Policy to ensure the principles of environmental, social and economic sustainability were included in all our projects.

LXRP has become a member of the Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia, requiring LXRP projects to obtain an independent Infrastructure Sustainability Rating. In doing this, our projects will:

  • be undertaken by contractors that have accreditation to ISO 14001 (Environment), ISO 9001 (Quality) and AS/NZS 4801 (OH&S) and who regularly monitor their performance
  • undertake a climate change risk assessment and respond to any extreme or high priority climate change risks
  • reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 15 to 25 per cent
  • minimise the use of potable water wherever possible
  • minimise waste by using the waste hierarchy of avoidance, reduction, reuse and recycling.

Our Sustainability Vision is to achieve excellent environmental, social and economic outcomes across all phases of the level crossing removal project in order to deliver an integrated project that connects the community in an environmentally sustainable manner.

To achieve this Sustainability Vision, the Level Crossing Removal Project is committed to:

  • Optimising LXRP's design to ensure it is delivered to operate sustainably.
  • Managing resources efficiently through embedding energy, water and material saving initiatives into the design, construction and operation of the project.
  • Avoiding, minimising and offsetting harm to the environment and the loss of biodiversity.
  • Protecting and conserving the natural environment.
  • Preparing for the challenges presented by climate change.

To give effect to this Policy, our people will:

  • Demonstrate leadership in the commitment to a prosperous and integrated economic, social and environmental sustainable future.
  • Demonstrate commitment to sustainable procurement.
  • Protect and maintain vegetation, the functioning of ecosystems and biological diversity, while seeking opportunities to enhance the value of these natural systems within the context of our works.
  • Facilitate economic prosperity and development and provide a resilient local workforce.
  • Support and enhance social, cultural and community wellbeing.
  • Encourage the pioneering of innovation in sustainable design, process or advocacy that seeks continuous improvement to promote new ideas and thinking.
  • Embed environmental and sustainability outcomes by establishing robust sustainability objectives and targets.
  • Report on sustainability performance and be accountable for meeting environmental and social responsibilities.

The CEO of LXRP fully endorses this policy.

Alliance Sustainability policies