Stage 2


Barwon Heads Road Upgrade


We designed the Barwon Heads Road Upgrade – Stage 1 project to identify, avoid, minimise and offset impacts to the environment.

Barwon Heads Road is 1 kilometre from the Barwon River and in the floodplain. Parts of Barwon Heads Road are also on the edge of the Jerringot Wetland, which is a sanctuary for wildlife. The Jerringot Wetland has an important environmental value and we are committed to ensuring it continues to be a sanctuary for wildlife and an important nesting site for water birds, such as Latham’s Snipe.

Environmental assessments

During the planning and development phase of the project we assessed the potential environment, social, economic and cultural heritage impacts and how we planned to manage them.

We engaged experts to conduct environmental assessments, looking specifically at:

  • biodiversity, including bird life and native vegetation
  • water, catchments and hydrology: how and where water flows in the area
  • cultural and historical heritage, including non-Aboriginal and Aboriginal heritage.

Before we started building, we:

  • developed an Environmental Management Framework (EMF) which provided us with a structured approach to manage the local environment. The framework included the environmental outcomes to be achieved during the design and construction of the Barwon Heads Road project
  • installed environmental measures for erosion and sediment controls
  • worked with our construction partners to develop an Environmental Management System and Construction Environment Management Plan. These plans ensured works were planned and performed to avoid or minimise impacts.

Protecting native trees, vegetation and wildlife

We share the value the community places on the environment, and we minimised tree removal and disturbance to wildlife where possible.

As part of our planning, we assessed the surrounding areas through:

  • on-site surveys
  • mapping of existing trees and vegetation and wildlife habitat.

During construction we:

  • worked with independent ecologists and arborists to identify trees to be retained and trees that required protection
  • inspected trees before removal for the presence of wildlife
  • designated ‘no go zones’ and ‘tree protection zones’, where required to protect sensitive native vegetation and wildlife
  • undertook planting days with local children
  • reused vegetation as mulch for local landscaping
  • planted more than 118,000 new trees and vegetation.