Stage 2


Barwon Heads Road Upgrade

Planning Scheme Amendment

The Barwon Heads Road Planning Scheme Amendment (PSA) consultation on Engage Victoria closed in July 2020 and the community and key stakeholder feedback received was submitted as part of a summary report to the Minister for Planning.

All community and stakeholder feedback was considered and the PSA was approved by the Minister for Planning in November 2020.

Thank you to all contributors for taking the time to share your thoughts about the project, the PSA and the proposed design. The feedback we received from you and our stakeholders is important and helped to inform project decisions and designs.

View the details of the Barwon Heads Road upgrade planning scheme.

Overlay types

Specific Controls Overlay

The Specific Controls Overlay (SCO) identifies land within the Barwon Heads Road corridor, surrounding road reserves and rail corridor that may be temporarily required to access and construct the project.

Project works within land located in the SCO outside of the main road corridor to Barwon Heads Road may include landscaping, service and utility installation, the construction of driveways and retaining walls, and the development of temporary construction compounds. It is not expected that these activities will involve major disruption to landowners and occupiers in these areas. Traffic may also be redirected through roads located within the SCO when construction works for the project commence.

The SCO will only apply for the purpose of delivering the project and does not impact the underlying planning scheme zones and overlays for purposes unrelated to project delivery.

Public Acquisition Overlay

A Public Acquisition Overlay (PAO) is the way land is reserved for a public purpose. For example, land may be set aside within a PAO to allow for future road widening works.

The PAO for this project identifies land that may be permanently acquired for the purposes of duplicating Barwon Heads Road. Land that may be permanently required for the project includes land already located within an existing PAO (shown in light pink), or land located within a proposed PAO (shown in light blue) on the Preliminary Design Planning Map (dated 29/05/20, SMEC - Revision C).