Burke Road to Tram Road Urban Design and Landscape Plan

Eastern Freeway Upgrades.

Before construction for permanent above-ground buildings or structures for the first stage of the Eastern Freeway Upgrades from Burke Road to Tram Road got underway, an Urban Design and Landscape Plan (UDLP) was exhibited for public comment from 9 to 29 October 2023 so local people could give feedback on local elements of the design for their area.

The UDLP shows the project design and explains how it meets strict requirements set through community consultation for the Project’s Environment Effects Statement (EES).

In response to submissions received on the UDLP, we made some further changes to the project design including:

  • additional upgrades to Koonung Creek Trail
  • better bike connections at the new Doncaster Road bridge
  • improvements to the Heyington Avenue walking and cycling bridge
  • extra facilities for Koonung Creek Reserve and Koonung Creek Parklands including fitness equipment, BBQ and rest areas, drinking fountains and bike repair stations

The UDLP was approved by the Minister for Planning in September 2024.

The approved UDLP also includes the interchange area with North East Link in Bulleen (known as the Southern Interface Zone). This area of the Eastern Freeway Upgrades was exhibited in the North East Link Tunnels UDLP in May 2022, updated in response to community feedback and approved by the Minister for Planning in February 2023.

Transferring the Southern Interface Zone out of the North East Link Tunnels UDLP and into the Eastern Freeway Upgrades UDLP brings the approved design for the Eastern Freeway Upgrades – Burke Road to Tram Road together into one single UDLP.

You can see the approved Eastern Freeway Upgrades – Burke Road to Tram Road UDLP and the Community Consultation Report below:

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