Doncaster Park and Ride

Eastern Freeway Upgrades

To get ready for the new Eastern Busway to open in 2028, from 2025 we’ll be connecting Doncaster Park and Ride to the new bus lanes and delivering a major upgrade with:

  • an express connection to the Eastern Busway under Doncaster Road
  • three new bus platforms to replace the existing single platform
  • a new passenger services building with ticket office, ticket facilities, toilets and waiting area
  • improved walking and cycling connections to Koonung Creek Trail, Doncaster Road and local streets
  • secure Parkiteer bicycle parking for 25+ bicycles and an additional 25+ bicycle hoops
  • a new drop and go zone
  • a multi-level car park with 435 parking spaces, lifts, stairs and green walls
  • a 530m2 landscaped forecourt, new trees and plants.

We’ll also be making improvements to how cars and buses use the park and ride. A new set of traffic lights on Doncaster Road at Hender Street will be installed for the car park exit and drop and go zone.

The brand new Bulleen Park and Ride opened in April 2023 - 4 years ahead of schedule - to ensure locals had access to buses while we build the new-look Doncaster Park and Ride.

Across these 2 new park and rides, we’ll double the number of parking spaces for bus passengers, provide drop and go bays, new secure bicycle parking and new and upgraded walking and cycling paths – making it safer and easier to connect to the new Eastern Busway.

An Urban Design and Landscape Plan (UDLP) for the new-look Doncaster Park and Ride was exhibited for community feedback in September 2024. We’re now working through submissions received, and will be updating the community on what we heard in 2025. You can see the exhibited UDLP at engage.vic

Doncaster Park and Ride closed for upgrades from Sunday 12 January 2025.

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