Project designs

New station at Keilor East

When airport trains begin running, they will stop at a new station in Keilor East.

The new station will link more than 150,000 residents in the City of Moonee Valley area to Victoria’s rail network for the first time

Keilor East Station


Connecting Keilor East to the rail network for the first time via Melbourne Airport Rail and the Metro Tunnel improves access for these communities to Melbourne Airport and key employment areas including Sunshine, Parkville, St Kilda Road precinct, Monash / Clayton and Dandenong.

  • Local commuters will enjoy a ‘turn-up-and-go’ service every 10 minutes.
  • Trips from Keilor East to the heart of the CBD will take around 27 minutes, a travel time saving of around 20 minutes compared to existing public transport options.
  • People travelling from Keilor East will reach Melbourne Airport in around 6 minutes.

Station location and features

The new station is proposed to be located in Keilor East. The final location will be determined through detailed planning and investigations.

The new station will feature connections to the existing bus network and include car parking and bicycle parking to support access by all transport modes.

Keilor East Station pin drop

Next steps

The new station at Keilor East is planned to be delivered in coordination with the broader Melbourne Airport Rail works.

Community feedback will be sought as part of planning and designing the new station.