To make room for the M80 Ring Road Completion, 2 telecommunication towers have been moved.
Before construction got underway, Urban Design and Landscape Plans were exhibited so local people could give feedback on local elements of the designs.
The UDLPs show the proposed design and explain how it meets the project’s approved Urban Design Strategy and Environmental Performance Requirements.
M80 telco relocation
The Urban Design and Landscape Plan (UDLP) details the proposed relocation of the Optus mobile communications facility located at the junction of the M80 (Metropolitan Ring Road) and Greensborough Bypass.
The Victorian Minister for Planning approved the UDLP for the M80 Interchange Telecommunications Facility Relocation in May 2022.
See a copy of the approved M80 Telco Facility UDLP (PDF, 13.7 MB).
Watsonia telco relocation - superseded
The Urban Design and Landscape Plan (UDLP) detailed the proposed relocation of the Telstra mobile communications facility located at the northern end of the Watsonia Station car park, adjacent to Greensborough Road.
The Victorian Minister for Planning approved the UDLP in September 2021, and the tower was built in 2022.
The M80 Ring Road Completion UDLP, which was exhibited for public comment in October 2023, showed the tower as an existing structure to be kept. This M80 Ring Road Completion UDLP was approved by the Minister for Planning in September 2024 and supersedes the Watsonia Station Telecommunications Facility UDLP. For details, please see the M80 Ring Road Completion UDLP.
See a copy of the superseded Watsonia Station Telco Facility UDLP (PDF, 14.4 MB).