
The West Gate Tunnel Project will be tolled to balance traffic across the freeway network and to help fund its construction and ongoing operation.

Who pays tolls? Vehicle types and toll points

Upgraded West Gate Freeway

  • Heavy commercial vehicles (HCV): rigid and articulated trucks and buses
  • Long Heavy Commercial Vehicles: the new generation of larger trucks

The toll point on the West Gate Freeway will be located between Millers Road and Williamstown Road.

Cars, Motorcycles and Light Commercial Vehicles (LCVs) will not be tolled to travel on the upgraded West Gate Freeway.

Hyde Street ramps, new tunnels, city connections (AM peak only)

  • Heavy commercial vehicles (HCV): rigid and articulated trucks and buses
  • Long Heavy Commercial Vehicles (LHCV): the new generation of larger trucks
  • Cars and motorcycles
  • Light commercial vehicles (LCV): vans and large utes

Trucks pay a toll on the West Gate Freeway for access to the upgraded freeway, new tunnels and connections.

For more information about toll prices and different passes, visit Transurban's website.

Value for trucks

Tolling discounts and trip caps will help make the upgraded freeway and new tunnels even more cost-effective for trucks.

West Gate Freeway multi-trip discount: trucks travelling back and forth all day will have discounted tolls after the fourth trip and no charge after the eighth trip.

  • First 4 trips – trucks pay full toll
  • Trips 5 to 8 – trucks pay 50% of toll
  • Trips 9+ – no further charges
  • Multi-road toll cap: trucks travelling on CityLink and the West Gate Tunnel Project will have tolls for a single trip capped
  • Night time discount: trucks travelling at night (between 8pm and 6am) receive a discount.

For more information about toll prices for trucks, visit Transurban’s website.

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