Sunbury and Bulla Neighbourhood Fund

The $2 million Sunbury & Bulla Neighbourhood Fund has been established to support the Sunbury and Bulla communities during the construction of the West Gate Tunnel.

The fund has been established acknowledging the temporary disruption to the local area while soil is being transported during the boring of the West Gate Tunnel.

The fund is now allocated, with more than 50 projects funded through Rounds 1 and 2 of the Sunbury & Bulla Neighbourhood Fund.

Non-for-profit groups can access this fund for projects that bring benefits to Sunbury and Bulla communities.

Funding is offered in two components – grants and partnerships.


  • Celebrating Neighbourhoods Grants: up to $20,000 for festivals, events and installations that bring local people together.
  • Connecting Neighbourhoods Grants: up to $50,000 for one-off projects or activities that improve community facilities, amenity or participation


  • Transforming Neighbourhoods partnerships: Over $50,000 will be available for improvements to local community, sporting and recreation facilities, the local environment, and other initiatives supporting the building of community and participation. Co-funding will be considered favourably in the assessment process and could be in the form of financial or in-kind contributions.

Projects must predominantly benefit communities in Sunbury and/or Bulla.

In February 2023, TBM Vida broke through in Yarraville, completing a 2.8km journey that started on the west side of the Maribyrnong River under Yarraville and finished at Williamstown Road near the West Gate Freeway. TBM Bella completed her 4km journey shortly after in May 2023.

Crews will continue the important work of building the road deck and installing electrical, lighting and safety systems to prepare both tunnels for completion in 2025.

The West Gate Tunnel Project is an essential project for all of Victoria to provide an alternative to the West Gate Bridge, take trucks off local roads and reduce travel times from the western suburbs.

Applications for Rounds 1 and 2 of the Sunbury & Bulla Neighbourhood Fund are now closed. For any enquiries please call 1800 105 105 or email

Any further questions, please call 1800 105 105 or email

Learn more about Sunbury & Bulla Neighbourhood Fund

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