The $2 million Sunbury & Bulla Neighbourhood Fund is a Victorian Government grants and partnerships program.
The program is designed to support the communities of Sunbury and Bulla, acknowledging the temporary disruption to the local area while soil is being transported during the construction of the West Gate Tunnel.
A range of community-led initiatives will be eligible for funding that bring benefits to the area and the people that live there, supporting connectedness, liveability and wellbeing.
Community and not-for-profit groups that are based in Hume City Council and conduct activities that benefit residents in Sunbury and/or Bulla can apply for a Sunbury & Bulla Neighbourhood Fund grant or partnership.
Applications are invited from:
- incorporated not-for-profit community organisations
- groups auspiced by not-for-profit community organisations (for grant applications only)
- Hume City Council (for partnership applications only)
To be eligible to apply for a grant or partnership, community groups/organisations must:
- be based in the Hume City Council area and propose a project/event where the majority of participants are residents of Sunbury and/or Bulla.
- demonstrate that the project can be delivered within 12 months of the funding announcement
- have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
- be a not-for-profit agency or not-for profit incorporated association
- have public liability insurance (PLI).
- If an organisation does not have an ABN, incorporation and public liability insurance, the organisation can apply through an auspice organisation (grants applicants only)
Hume City Council is eligible to apply for a partnership.
Applications that fit into one of the following three categories may be eligible for funding:
Transforming Neighbourhoods: Over $50,000 r for improvements to sporting and recreation facilities, local environments, and other initiatives supporting the building of community and participation.
For example, improvements to sporting or club facilities, revitalisation of public spaces and beautification of local waterways.
Proposed projects must fit into one of the following West Gate Neighbourhood Fund categories:
Celebrating Neighbourhoods: Up to $20,000 for festivals, events, and installations that bring local people together.
For example, community art exhibitions, and local festivals, shows or concerts.
Connecting Neighbourhoods: Up to $50,000 for a one-off project or activity that aims to improve community facilities, amenity and participation.
For example, a series of educational workshops, new uniforms for a local sporting club or new gardening equipment for a community garden.
Proposed projects should improve community connectedness, improve community cohesion and meet a community need.