Geelong Line Upgrade

About the project

The Australian and Victorian governments are investing in rail upgrades between Geelong and Waurn Ponds. These will enable more frequent and reliable services on Victoria’s busiest regional line.

Waurn Ponds Stabling Geelong Line Scope Map

Project scope

The Waurn Ponds Station upgrade (complete) which includes:

  • a second platform on the south of the station with shelters and seating
  • track duplication
  • a new accessible pedestrian overpass
  • secure bike storage and bicycle hoops
  • more than 200 new and upgraded car parks.

A train maintenance and stabling facility near Waurn Ponds Station.

The South Geelong to Waurn Ponds Duplication which includes:

  • duplicating around 8km of track between South Geelong and Waurn Ponds
  • rebuilding South Geelong and Marshall stations. This will feature new station buildings, forecourts, second platforms and accessible pedestrian overpasses
  • removal of the level crossings at Fyans Street and Surf Coast Highway. These will be replaced with elevated rail bridges
  • signalling upgrades between South Geelong and Waurn Ponds
  • more than 5km of new shared walking and cycling paths linking existing trails and paths. This will create a continuous connection between South Geelong and Waurn Ponds.

Planning for the Armstrong Creek transit corridor. This will include considering future land use and population plans.

A business case to determine the infrastructure required to deliver even more services. This includes upgrades to the rail tunnel between Geelong and South Geelong and the rail line over the Barwon River.

What are the benefits?

The Waurn Ponds Station upgrade was the first step in extending more services to Waurn Ponds Station.

The upgrades have improved accessibility and amenities at the station. This includes 200 new and upgraded car parks, with more than 500 spaces now available.

The South Geelong to Waurn Ponds Duplication is the next critical step in enabling more frequent and reliable services on the Geelong Line.

This will enable five train services per hour during peak hours and three per hour off peak at Marshall and Waurn Ponds stations to more travel options for passengers

A new train maintenance and stabling facility near Waurn Ponds Station will support extra services on the Geelong Line. The facilities will also allow trains to begin service on time each day.

Project delivery

Regional Rail Revival is delivering the staged upgrade of the Geelong Line, on behalf of the Victorian Government.

Downer is the contractor that delivered the Waurn Ponds Station upgrade and is constructing the first stage of the Waurn Ponds stabling and maintenance facility.

The Djilang Alliance (McConnell Dowell, Downer, Arup and WSP Australia) is delivering the South Geelong to Waurn Ponds Duplication.

Find out more about supplier opportunities for the upgrade of the Geelong Line.

Why are we investing in Geelong’s rail network?

Geelong is Victoria’s fastest growing regional city.

Geelong’s population will grow by almost 50% to approximately 485,000 by 2051. Patronage on the Geelong Line has also tripled since the opening of Regional Rail Link in 2015. It is now the busiest line on the regional network.

The community of Greater Geelong needs a fast and reliable rail service to support its development.

October 2024 community updates

Marshall, Grovedale and Waurn Ponds
South Geelong and Breakwater

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