When will I need to vacate my property?

Different properties will be required at different times, depending on construction staging.

Affected landowners, tenants, and businesses will be fairly compensated and will be provided a reasonable period of time to vacate the property. The first properties required for SRL East will not need to be vacated until at least mid-late 2023, with most not required until 2024 or 2025.

SRLA intends issuing Notices of Intention to Acquire throughout 2023. At this time, we will confirm the exact date your property is required and will assign a case manager to work with you through the acquisition process.

Where the land is a principal place of business or residence, SRLA will not seek to take possession of the land until at least three months following publication of the Notice of Acquisition. This timeframe is specified in the relevant legislation. SRLA will work with you while you relocate to another property.

If the land is a principal place of business or residence, you will be entitled to a rent-free period of at least three months following publication of a Notice of Acquisition in the Victorian Government Gazette (which is the point when ownership transfers to SRLA).