Train stabling facility

Train stabling is a critical part of the new Suburban Rail Loop (SRL) network. A stabling facility is required near the start of the rail line to allow SRL’s fleet of new high-tech trains to begin services efficiently each day. It would not be possible to provide high-frequency turn-up-and-go train services without it.

About the train stabling facility

The train stabling facility for SRL East will be built at 91–185 Kingston Road, Heatherton.

When SRL East commences operation in 2035, 13 trains will be stabled, cleaned, and maintained at the facility when they are not in service.

The underground rail track will climb to ground level at the stabling facility via tunnel portal structures on the eastern and western sides of the site.

Key features of the stabling facility will include:

  • Stabling yard to initially accommodate 13 trains, and up to 30 trains as passenger demand grows
  • A track for testing trains before they go into operation
  • A train maintenance facility for activities such as train washing, inspections and repairs, and major train and wheel maintenance
  • An office and operational control centre
  • A train wash and graffiti removal facility
  • A network support facility which will consist of a substation that will provide power for the tunnel boring machines during construction and operation of the SRL East network
  • An eastern and western tunnel portal for train entry and exit through the SRL East tunnels
  • Water storage basins to manage overland flow and treat any water, respectively.

What will it look like

The layout and design of the site will be subject to operational and technical requirements, and will be finalised once the relevant contractor is appointed.

The stabling facility will be subject to an Urban Design and Landscape Plan that will be developed by the appointed contractor. These plans will be shared with the community for feedback before being finalised. Landscaping and vegetation will be planted along the boundary, which will reduce the visual impact of the facility for local residents.

Find out more on the Heatherton Stabling Facility by reading our factsheet.

Managing impacts

Suburban Rail Loop is committed to minimising and managing disruption for local residents, business and communities as much as possible. However, we do anticipate some impacts during construction including:

  • Changes to traffic conditions for drivers
  • Changed travel conditions for cyclists and pedestrians
  • Some noise, vibration and dust from construction activities, machinery and vehicles
  • Removal of vegetation and trees, where required
  • Potential short-term impacts to driveway access and on-street car parking.
Before works start, we will notify and engage with residents and businesses about activities planned in their area, including what to expect and how any disruptions will be managed.

Rail infrastructure for SRL East, including the stabling facility, was assessed through an Environment Effects Statement (EES). Supported by a range of technical investigations and studies, the EES carefully considered potential impacts on people, structures, and the environment, including at and around the stabling facility at Heatherton.

As a result of the EES, an Environmental Management Framework (EMF) was developed with more than 100 Environmental Performance Requirements (EPRs) outlining how to manage impacts of the project. These mitigation methods have taken into account construction impacts on the local environment including noise, vibration, air quality and ground movement – and include measures to minimise potential impacts. Any impacts will be regularly monitored and will need to comply with meet these performance requirements.

Engaging with the community

We are having conversations with the Heatherton and Clarinda communities every step of the way.

Since the project started, some of the ways we have engaged have included:

  • Local community information sessions
  • Inviting EES submissions
  • Online feedback surveys
  • Pop-up events and local markets
  • Regular contact via our dedicated 1800 project number and contact inbox
  • On-site discussions with local residents and businesses
  • Notifying the community of upcoming works and disruptions.

There will also be future opportunities for the community to have their say, including consultations on the stabling facility design and landscaping, Henry Street Linear Reserve, Kingston Walk Linear Reserve, local roads and walking and cycling improvements.

In 2023, we also established a Heatherton Community Reference Group (CRG).

The CRG allows for local community groups, businesses, and residents to work directly with the project team to discuss project matters, raising and resolving project issues, and providing a local community perspective to construction planning and design. If you have any questions about the CRG, you can reach out to

View the records of previous CRG meetings.

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