Reference Groups

Precinct Reference Groups

Precinct Reference Groups have been established for the 6 SRL East Station Precincts, at Cheltenham, Clayton, Monash, Glen Waverley, Burwood and Box Hill.

The Precinct Reference Groups (PRGs) are a forum for Suburban Rail Loop (SRL) to share project information and test our thinking on relevant issues with community members and other key stakeholders during the planning, development and delivery of SRL East. The PRGs also provide an opportunity for participants to provide direct input on elements of the project to ensure we achieve the best possible outcomes.

As SRL East progresses, PRGs will also provide a forum for SRL’s contractors to directly engage with stakeholders and the community.


  • Enable meaningful engagement between SRL, its contractors, stakeholders and the community
  • Provide a local perspective to inform SRL of community values, aspirations, preferred outcomes, local conditions and priorities. Where possible, PRGs will assist in resolving any community concerns
  • Encourage local participation in the planning and delivery of SRL
  • Provide a forum to discuss, manage and, if possible, mitigate and minimise any local impacts from construction.

PRGs are co-chaired by an independent facilitator and local MPs, and include representation from local community and trader groups, community representatives and relevant local council officers, as well as relevant state government agencies.

Each PRG is an advisory body, not a decision-making group. Project decisions will be the responsibility of SRL and its key contractors.

Heatherton Community Reference Group

The Heatherton Community Reference Group (CRG) has been established to provide a forum for the community and other representatives to regularly meet with the SRL East project team.

The focus of the CRG is the train stabling facility in Heatherton.

Find out more

If you would like to find out more about PRGs, or have any questions, please email

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