As we deliver Suburban Rail Loop (SRL), we’re dedicated to reducing impacts on the environment and local communities during construction.

The SRL East rail line and 6 new stations will be underground, significantly minimising potential impacts on land and property. We have a range of measures in place to manage construction impacts – including noise and dust – while we build SRL East.

We’ve listened to feedback from community members, including through the robust and transparent Environment Effects Statement (EES) process, which has resulted in enhanced measures and outcomes that will benefit the community during construction and operation.

SRL worker operation drill

Works in your area

Construction of SRL East is ramping up. We are undertaking geotechnical investigations as part of the early planning and design work that will help determine the rail alignment and station locations.

We will continue to notify the communities of any potential impacts with our works notices.

View our latest works notices

Voluntary Purchase Scheme

A Voluntary Purchase Scheme for SRL East is available as a last resort for residents who may be subject to significant accumulated construction impacts in identified areas which meet relevant criteria.

Residents who may be eligible for the scheme will be contacted by Suburban Rail Loop Authority. Our communication with residents is being staged, based on the construction program and associated potential impacts. Eligibility may change over time as the project’s design and construction methodology is finalised by our contractors.

Any decision by property owners to sell their home to the Victorian Government under the Voluntary Purchase Scheme is entirely voluntary.

Voluntary purchase may also be available post-construction if the new underground train line’s operational ground-borne noise and/or vibration is measured to exceed the mandatory levels that have been established for the operation of SRL East.

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