About the West Gate Neighbourhood Fund
The $10 million West Gate Neighbourhood Fund is a Victorian Government initiative to support community projects in the Maribyrnong and Hobsons Bay city council areas, while the West Gate Tunnel Project is under construction. The fund is managed by the West Gate Tunnel Project, Major Road Projects Victoria.
Funding is offered in two components – Partnerships and Grants.
Both provide funding that will contribute towards community projects and initiatives, both big and small, that bring people together and involve them in their community.
The Fund has awarded $10 million in funding to support over 260 community-led projects with more than 140 projects already delivered in the inner west.
Grants West Gate Neighbourhood Fund Grants are for community led projects that are categorised into 1 of the following:
Participation equipment grants – up to $5,000 to support community participation in local sport, art or recreation activities. Connecting neighbourhoods grants – up to $10,000 for a one-off project or activity that aims to improve community connectedness and participation. Celebrating neighbourhoods grants – up to $20,000 for festivals, events, and art installations that bring local people together. Transforming neighbourhoods grants – up to $50,000 for a single improvement or up to $100,000 for multiple improvements that enhance quality, usability and accessibility of local environments, community centres or sport and recreation facilities. More details including funding priorities can be found in the WGNF Grants guidelines .
View the successful recipients for all rounds of the West Gate Neighbourhood Fund Partnerships and Grants program on our website:
Round 1 Grants funding recipients
Round 2 Grants funding recipients
Round 1 Partnerships funding recipients
Partnerships and Active Community Grants recipients
Partnerships and Grants Round 3 successful recipients
2024 Grants successful recipients
We are looking for projects that improve community access and participation in the inner west:
New community infrastructure such as the building of new playgrounds and sporting facilities Refurbishment, repair and maintenance of existing community infrastructure Purchasing capital equipment Increasing community capacity such as the training of community volunteers Improving community connectedness and cohesiveness. Below are some examples of project ideas in the three grant categories that might receive funding:
Participation equipment
New uniforms for a local football club Musical instruments Scout equipment Sport equipment Connecting neighbourhoods
Tech upgrades for community learning Planting days Fit out of tables, chairs and cabinets Open/Come and Try Days New gardening equipment for a local community garden Celebrating neighbourhoods
Community art exhibition Local street festival Cultural events Concerts Transforming neighbourhoods
Kitchen improvements Scoreboards Community gardens Redevelopment of a local theatre Accessibility upgrade to a local community centre Improvements to playgrounds or outdoor spaces Read more about some of our fund recipients and the projects they are working on that’s making a difference to communities in the west, on our Success Stories webpage.
Applying for the Fund
Applications are invited from incorporated not-for-profit community organisations with ideas that benefit people in the Hobsons Bay and Maribyrnong City Council areas.
Projects that support the following 5 priority areas will be considered favourably: Altona North, Brooklyn, Footscray, Spotswood, South Kingsville and Yarraville.
To assist your application, you can use our Project and Risk Plan Template. Please note a program and risk plan is required for all infrastructure projects over $50,000.
Program and Risk Plan Template
Yes. Ensuring that eligibility criteria is met, organisations can apply in subsequent rounds. Previous projects should have been successfully delivered and acquitted.
As a for-profit organisation, you are not eligible to apply directly to the fund. However, if your organisation is looking to support a community event or program, you may be able to partner with a not-for-profit group that would apply to the fund for support.
The grants fund will only support activities and initiatives conducted within Maribyrnong City Council and Hobsons Bay City Council. Where an organisation conducts activities across a greater geographical area, funding will only be granted to support activities and initiatives that benefit the Hobsons Bay and Maribyrnong community members. Applications will need to clearly demonstrate benefit to the communities in these two LGAs.
In this case, determine which council area will most benefit from your project and apply for funding in that council area. Only 1 application is required for each project.
Projects or events that have already commenced or have been scheduled prior to the funding announcement will be ineligible for funding.
All projects will be assessed on merit against the following criteria:
improve community connectedness: The project will increase the number and connections that an individual has with others in their community and/or improve the sense of togetherness and bonding that exists between members of the community meet community need: The project addresses a community priority listed below organisation’s capacity: The organisation has the demonstrated capacity to deliver the project on time and within budget.
Applications to the West Gate Neighbourhood Fund will be assessed by an independent senior panel convened by the West Gate Tunnel Project part of Major Road Projects Victoria .
The panel may consult the following parties through the assessment process, as required:
representatives of Hobsons Bay and Maribyrnong councils the West Gate Tunnel Project Community Liaison Group relevant Victorian Government departments and agencies. An Independent Probity Advisor will oversee the assessment process. The Victorian Government will approve the successful applicants.
Using the Fund
A project evaluation and finance report (acquittal report) must be provided at the conclusion of activities, along with copies of all invoices paid as part of the project activities.
Funding must be used within 12 months as outlined in the grant guidelines, or as otherwise agreed between West Gate Tunnel Project and the grant recipient and captured in the funding agreement.
Auspice organisations You cannot apply for a grant without an ABN, Incorporation and public liability insurance. An auspice organisation may be able to assist you.
An auspice organisation is an organisation that manages the grant funding on your behalf.
The auspice organisation is obligated to ensure that the funding is expanded within the requirements of the application and funding agreement.
Evidence of the agreement between the 2 parties to undertake this auspice arrangement must be included with the application, as must all the necessary paperwork to prove insurance, incorporation and ABN status. The auspice organisation receives all the grant payments.
You will need to negotiate your own agreement with an auspice organisation.
Yes, you will need to have an auspice organisation identified prior to submitting an application.
Contact us Detailed information about both the Partnerships and Grants streams are available in the Guideline documents listed below.
If you have questions about the West Gate Neighbourhood Fund or require assistance in submitting an application, please call 1800 105 105 or email info@wgta.vic.gov.au . If you require an interpreter, please call 13 14 50 .
Discover the West Gate Neighbourhood Fund