Development Plans

Feedback on the amended Arden Precinct Development Plan

The amended Arden Precinct Development Plan was available for public display and comment from Monday 9 August until Friday 27 August 2021.

As part of the amended Development Plan submission to the Minister for Planning, CYP Design & Construction Joint Venture (CYP D&C) provided all written comments received during the stakeholder and community consultation period.

In total, 18 submissions were received for the amended Arden Precinct Development Plan. The key issues raised in feedback received included:

  • Architecture design: Materials and finishes
  • Transport: Bicycle access
  • Landscape design: tree removal and replacement
  • Public realm: Terrace, garden beds, ramps and stair alignment

Materials and finishes

The station design features materials and finishes selected in consultation with City of Melbourne and the Office of the Victorian Government Architect (OVGA) as well as comply with the City of Melbourne Design Standards as per the Project Scope and Technical Requirements. Materials and detailing have been incorporated as references to the specific industrial context of the Arden Station precinct.

Ongoing stakeholder consultation with the City of Melbourne and OVGA through detailed design has resulted in an amendment to the Western Building façade materiality, as well as the skylights. The external faces of the Western Building are now proposed as brick facing and precast concrete to provide a more flexible façade that can be integrated within the draft Arden Structure Plan (2020). In addition, following consultation with the OVGA, the skylight materiality is proposed as white stone, to integrate into the landscaping of the central open space.

The paving materiality has also been subject to amendments in some locations, such as the removal of bluestone paving from Barwise Street and Laurens Street (west) in consultation with City of Melbourne.

Bicycle routes and parking

Improving Melbourne’s cycling network and encouraging active transport and intermodal connections with Melbourne’s transport system is an important Project objective.

Close consultation has occurred with the Victorian Planning Authority and City of Melbourne to ensure proposed cycling infrastructure is coordinated and consistent with their views.

The Arden precinct has been updated to include a new separated raised bicycle path and a shared on-road bike path west and east of Laurens Street, respectively. These bicycle paths will link into the existing bike paths along Arden Street and Queensberry Street and will provide direct access to the Arden Station precinct. The provision of bicycle paths enhances the existing connections to surrounding bike routes, such as the Moonee Ponds Creek trail, and allows for the future development of the precinct to enhance cyclist connections.

The amended Arden Precinct Development Plan has added details regarding the consistency of the design with the proposed Strategic Cycling Corridor network identified in the draft Arden Structure Plan (2020).

A new Disability Discrimination Act 2002 (DDA) ramp and additional stairs are proposed from Station Lane. This change has led to the displacement of an undercover bike storage that was previously proposed on the south-west corner of the station building. However, the total number of bike-parking spaces has remained unchanged in this amended Development Plan due to the additional spaces provided on Station Lane and Laurens Lane.

Landscape design

To deliver a major project of this scale and complexity, some tree removal is required to allow the safe construction of stations and associated infrastructure. The Project is committed to protecting and retaining as many trees as possible. The design process considers any tree impacts on an individual – tree by tree – basis and methodologies are adjusted wherever possible to protect trees. The Project’s overall objective is to double tree canopy across the entire Metro Tunnel Project.

The amended Arden Precinct Development Plan proposes additional trees for planting on Barwise Street and Station Lane. The CYP D&C design reinstates approximately 103 new trees within the Arden Station precinct, which is more trees and more greenery than currently present. This will contribute to the project goal of increasing overall tree canopy coverage and providing landscaped areas within the public realm, as well as providing a comfortable microclimate for passengers and the community through dense canopy tree planting.

Tree removal and planting numbers have been updated to reflect the revised design as follows:

  • 90 trees are proposed for removal (105 trees were proposed for removal in the previously approved Arden Development Plan)
  • 103 new trees are proposed for planting (approximately 98 trees were proposed for planting in the previously approved Arden Development Plan).

Public realm

The Arden Station precinct public realm design response will create new spaces for station users and the community to interact and enjoy.

As part of the design development, there have been amendments to the public realm features, including an update to reflect the increased width of Station Lane and amendments to the public realm features along Barwise Street, Laurens Lane and Station Lane.

The total extent of public realm has increased around the Western Building by revising the kerb alignment of Station Lane. A plinth terrace has been introduced on Barwise Street which has led to adjustments to the ramps and stairs to provide access to the retail units. This change is associated with the raised interfacing retail entrances to better address flood protection.

Linear garden beds (including a rain garden) have also been incorporated along the northern edge of the outdoor dining area on Barwise Street. These garden beds will help to clearly define the proposed pedestrian avenue and retail spill out / outdoor dining.

In addition, public realm features along Station Lane and Laurens Lane have changed. On Station Lane, improved features such as additional Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) features (including a long linear sunken garden), trees, bike hoops and public seating areas are proposed. The Laurens Lane design has been amended by relocating the fire booster, increasing the plinth terrace area and adjusting the stair alignment to address access requirements to station services, increasing the scale of WSUD and garden beds and re-arranging street furniture.