Creative Program

Marise Maas: Merry Melbourne

Flinders Lane Gallery, 2020

Artist statement

“Opening up Melbourne again after a strict and lengthy lockdown has to be celebrated. Even though horses are used here instead of people, it is a dedication to all of Melbourne’s merry maskers.

"May we stay safe during the glorious festivities and have a merry Melbourne New Year. Here’s cheers to a good summer and kicking up our heels.”

About the artist

Born in the Netherlands, Marise Maas immigrated to Australia with her family in 1982. Her work is represented in numerous major collections nationally and internationally. She lives and works in Melbourne.

Flinders Lane Gallery/FLG

FLG is a contemporary art gallery located on Level 1 of the Nicholas Building. The gallery has been championing the practices of emerging, mid-career and established Australian artists since its inception in 1989.

Instagram: @flinderslanegallery

Photography by Anne-Marie De Boni