Creative Program

Nixi Killick: Cryptic Frequency

City Square, 2020

About the artwork

To celebrate Melbourne Fashion Week and Melbourne Music Week, Metro Tunnel Creative Program commissioned fashion designer Nixi Killick to create an interactive artwork at our Town Hall Station construction site hoardings.

Using augmented reality technology via the Eyejack mobile phone app, Cryptic Frequency springs to life in stunning colour and motion before your eyes.

For the full experience, listen to Nixi's Spotify playlist featuring some of her favourite Melbourne Music Week artists.

Artist statement

“Cryptic Frequency facilitates an interactive intimacy with technology, articulating creatively engaging social experiences to change the ways we experience colour and clothing. Deciphering the concept of morphic resonance and utilising garments as wearable tools to carry our character, allow us to project our personality and connect communities!”

About the artist

NIXI KILLICK (NXK) is an innovative and contemporary hybrid, articulating alternative technologies with original artwork and a mix of vibrant streetwear balanced with sculptured, technology-infused wearable pieces. NXK is an independent, Melbourne-based fashion label with a strong commitment to unique products, ethical production and quality.

Photography by Lucas Dawson, James Henry, Anne-Marie De Boni, Samara Clifford