
Respite, relocation and noise management for residents during construction

Residents living close to Metro Tunnel construction activities may be affected by noise and vibration above existing levels. Noise and vibration impacts will vary depending on the location of your property and the type and duration of construction activity.

During construction of the Metro Tunnel, we aim to minimise and manage the impacts of construction on local communities and the environment.

Managing potential impacts on residents

Safeguards are in place to reduce and manage the Metro Tunnel’s construction impacts on residents and the community.

These Environmental Performance Requirements (EPRs) have been approved by the Minister for Planning and define outcomes that must be achieved during the design, construction and operation of the project.

This includes levels of construction noise, dust and vibration. Compliance with these standards will be monitored by RPV and an independent auditor.

Metro Tunnel contractors are required to demonstrate they have plans in place to meet these standards and take steps to manage any areas of non-compliance.

The EPRs are set out in the Metro Tunnel Environmental Management Framework.

What is construction noise

  • Airborne noise: Most construction noise is caused by open-air work and vehicles. Most people will be familiar with airborne construction noise from day-to-day life in Melbourne
  • Ground-borne noise: A lower frequency ‘rumbling’ sound can be generated by vibration through the ground into a building. Groundborne noise is usually caused by tunnelling and excavation works

Noise impacts depend on the source of the noise, how close it is and existing background noise. People may have varying reactions and sensitivities to noise.

Lower frequency sound can be more disturbing to people than higher frequency sound, which means there are stricter limits for ground-borne noise during the evening and night than for airborne noise.

Guideline airborne noise levels (external)

The Metro Tunnel Project has Airborne Construction Noise Guideline Targets, as set out in the EPRs.

The following table shows noise levels that require us to put noise management measures in place. Those measures are outlined in our Residential Impact Mitigation Guidelines PDF, 309.1 KB.

The guideline noise levels apply outside the façade of a residence, which means that noise inside the residence will usually be lower.

Time period Guideline noise level

Normal working hours
Monday to Friday: 7am to 6pm
Saturday: 7am to 1pm

A noise management level of 10dB(A) above background noise* level applies. For works exceeding 75dB(A) respite periods may be required to restrict the hours that very noisy activities can occur.

Weekend/evening work
Monday to Friday: 6pm to 10pm
Saturday: 1pm to 10pm
Sunday and public holidays: 7am to 10pm

10dB(A) above background noise* level in residential premises for the first 18 months, 5dB(A) above background noise levels in residential premises thereafter.

Night works
10pm to 7am

Noise is to be inaudible within a habitable room of any residential premises.

*Background noise is the average level of pre-existing noise measured over a 15 minute period.

What are Unavoidable Works?

At times we will need to undertake noisy construction work outside normal work hours – this is called ‘Unavoidable Works’.

Generally noise from construction activities at night should not be heard by residents within bedrooms and living rooms. Unavoidable Works are an exception to this in our EPRs because they:

  • need to take place without a break, such as concrete pouring
  • require delivery of essential, oversized plant or equipment
  • involve time-sensitive maintenance or repair of public infrastructure
  • involve rail line disruptions or work that would cause a significant traffic hazard if done during the day
  • involve tunnelling underground
  • are emergency works due to unforeseen circumstances.

Management measures for airborne noise

If Metro Tunnel construction noise exceeds guidelines, affected residents may be eligible for measures including:

  • offers of respite, such as tickets to cultural or sporting activities
  • alternative accommodation if residents meet the relevant criteria
  • earplugs, as some residents may prefer to stay at home during works.

Alternative accommodation

Residents may also be eligible for alternative accommodation, where the total airborne noise created due to Unavoidable Works at night meets both of the following criteria, when measured outside and 1m in front of an exposed door or window to a habitable room in any façade of a residence:

  • Noise exceeds either 65dB(A) in total, or 10dB(A) above pre-existing ambient noise level (whichever is higher).
  • The noise is experienced between 10pm and 7am on any day of the week and
  • the noise occurs on at least 10 days in any 15 consecutive days or
  • 40 days in any 6 consecutive months.

How will I know if I am eligible for respite or relocation?

The contractor will determine an eligibility zone based on the program of works and anticipated impacts on residents in the vicinity of construction activities. Residents in the zone will be notified by:

  • email and letterbox notifications
  • telephone calls
  • door knocking residents, where possible.

What if I am not notified but believe that I should be offered respite or relocation?

Residents who are particularly sensitive to airborne noise or vibration impacts are able to request respite or relocation, after receiving a works notification or when the works are being undertaken.

In such circumstances, residents can call the project information line on 1800 105 105. Requests will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.


Download the Respite, relocation and noise management for residents during construction fact sheet (PDF, 625.8 KB).