Anzac Station will be located directly under St Kilda Road near the intersection of Albert Road and Domain Road.
It will be accessed from 4 entry points. One entrance will be located on the outer edge of the Shrine of Remembrance Reserve, another at the Albert Road Reserve and 2 further entrances at the new Domain train/tram interchange directly above the station on St Kilda Road, which features a fully accessible tram stop.

Anzac Station has been designed as a ‘pavilion in the park’ – an integrated public building and landmark that connects seamlessly with surrounding parklands.
The canopy above the tram interchange will be an architectural focal point, providing waiting passengers with year-round weather protection. Large skylights embedded in the canopy will fill the station concourse below with natural light.
The station interior will include world-class, permanent artwork developed as part of the Metro Tunnel Legacy Artwork Program.
Albert Road Reserve will be expanded and enhanced as a community park, providing a green link between the Shrine of Remembrance Reserve, Domain Parklands, Albert Park and beyond to Port Phillip Bay.
St Kilda Road is one of the world’s busiest tram corridors and a popular route with cyclists. More than half of the passengers using the new station are expected to move between trains and trams.
Station access features will include:
- a new tram interchange – the first in Melbourne with a direct platform-to-platform connection between the train and tram network, with extra-large tram platforms to accommodate 4 trams at any one time (or 2 longer E-class trams in each direction), and to cater for large crowds for events such as Anzac Day and the Grand Prix
- more than 120 new bike parking spaces, including space for bike parking in the station forecourt
- a new pedestrian underpass linking Albert Road Reserve and the Shrine of Remembrance Reserve with the new station and tram stop, allowing people to safely cross underneath busy St Kilda Road
- new bus stops with shelters on St Kilda Road to enable passengers to easily connect with trains and trams
- drop-off zones and taxi zones located near the Albert Road Reserve station entrance
- a shared-use path through the new Albert Road Reserve, opening a new, safe cycling and walking connection
- new kerbside bike lanes going in each direction along St Kilda Road, between Dorcas Street and Toorak Road, with a concrete separator to protect cyclists from the risk of car dooring. Cyclists will be able to ride 2 abreast. Parking spaces will be built alongside the concrete separator, followed by
2 traffic lanes.
As the network planner, the Department of Transport and Planning will evaluate the new tram arrangements as part of its decision-making on whether trams return to Park Street and Domain Road following completion of the Metro Tunnel.
Greening the area
The project will increase overall tree canopy coverage in the station precinct, with new trees planted on St Kilda Road and in the surrounding area. The tram platform will also feature trees and dense, low-height landscaping.
We retained 68 more trees than outlined in the Environment Effects Statement and 16 more than the previous Development Plan.
Tree protection zones have been established around trees that are being retained. This involves fencing around those trees, which includes a delineation to protect the root system.
Replacement trees will be planted in improved soil conditions to encourage growth. The species used on St Kilda Road will behave been determined in consultation with councils and Heritage Victoria.
Sloping down from the Shrine of Remembrance Reserve to Albert Park, the expanded Albert Road Reserve will be a biodiversity corridor, bringing nature into the city through diverse landscaping.
Water sensitive urban design
Landscaping for St Kilda Road will use leading water sensitive design to capture and treat stormwater and provide passive irrigation. Water will be collected from surrounding roads and directed to the new Albert Road Reserve on St Kilda Road.
From Albert Road Reserve, the water will be filtered through landscaped areas to support tree and vegetation growth.
Preserving our heritage
Important heritage features will be preserved, with the reinstatement of this section of St Kilda Road as part of Melbourne's grand boulevard, the reinstatement of Edmund Herring Oval as a place for recreation, and the restoration of the South African Soldiers Memorial within Albert Road Reserve.
Visual impacts have been minimised by reducing the station footprint and keeping the station entrances within the height of the surrounding tree canopy.
The official name for this new station is Anzac Station, not ANZAC Station.
As determined by the Department of Veterans Affairs ‘ANZAC’ is an acronym used when referencing the Corps itself. ‘Anzac’ is used in all other situations – like Anzac biscuits!
Anzac Memorial in Hyde Park Sydney also uses this mixed case spelling of Anzac.
Victorians helped name the Metro Tunnel’s 5 new stations.
An advisory panel made up of a diverse group of Victorians went through over 50,000 suggestions and compiled a shortlist of names for the Victorian Government to consider.