Environment Effects Statements
The alignments for the upgrade of the Western Highway between Buangor and Ararat and between Ararat and Stawell were determined after comprehensive Environment Effects Statement (EES) processes.
The EES for each section considered a number of alignments and investigated the flora and fauna, land use, cultural heritage, traffic, noise quality and social impacts of each option.
Everyone in the community had an opportunity to participate in these independent EES processes. Public exhibition and consultation were a significant component of each EES with community views and potential impacts of the different alignment options considered.
Documentation relation to each EES can be found below.
After thorough investigations and community consultation, the Environment Effects Statement (EES) and planning approval processes between Beaufort and Ararat are complete.
Documentation relating to key planning scheme amendments facilitating the project are linked below:
- Pyrenees C37 - Pyrenees Planning Scheme
- Ararat C27 - Ararat Planning Scheme.
We will seek to obtain further planning approvals to facilitate the upgrade between Ararat and Stawell.
Cultural heritage
A Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) for the upgrade between Beaufort and Ararat was prepared in accordance with the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 and approved in 2013 by Martang Pty Ltd as the former Registered Aboriginal Party for the project area. This plan includes measures for the protection and respectful management of 21 Aboriginal heritage places.
We are currently preparing a new CHMP for the remainder of the works on that section of the project in accordance with the relevant legislative processes, working with Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation as the current Registered Aboriginal Party.
We will prepare a further CHMP for the upgrade between Ararat and Stawell as part of future planning and environmental approvals processes for that section of the project. That plan will be developed with Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation and Barengi Gadjin Land Council Aboriginal Corporation.
Understanding our environment
We continue to work with a range of community groups, organisations and experts to develop environmental management plans.
In 2016 a review of native vegetation accounting and environmental planning was commissioned to identify key learnings and future opportunities.